I have never “eluded” [I’ll assume for the sake of this discussion you meant “alluded”(?)] to that at all. I have stated, as has Bryan Litz, that with quality jacketed bullets faster twist rifles will shoot as accurately as slower twist rifles with the same cartridge/load as long as the bullet is sufficiently stabilized. However, if you’ve actually read Mr. Litz’s book/works you would also note he states there is a certain twist rate that will give the best accuracy for a given bullet at a given velocity, especially at longer ranges. It’s why Palma 308W rifles have 13 or 14” twists. It’s why match 6.5s have 8.2 or 8.5” twists. It’s why AR service rifles ARs built with 8” twists to give the best accuracy at longer ranges with 70 to 85 gr VLD bullets.
What I have stated and proven is with a ternary alloyed lubed and GC’d bullet there will be a threshold at a certain velocity RPM rate where accuracy begins to deteriorate in a non-linear fashion as the range increases. That Threshold may be moved up or down by numerous factors such as, the powder used, the quality of the cast bullet, the design of the cast bullet, the lube used, the GC used, etc. I have completed extensive testing of the RPM Threshold in numerous rifles of varied cartridges. The end result is always the same. I also have tested the 223 Remington cartridge with different cast bullets in 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 14” twist barrels and in the 308W cartridge with 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14” twist barrels. The results were always the same; the slower the twist the higher the velocity could be pushed while maintaining linear group expansion maintaining 2 moa ten shot groups at longer ranges out to 500 yards.
I also took part in the design of the NOE 30 XCB which was designed specifically for accuracy at high velocity. I proved it to be very accurate specifically in 12, 13 and 14” twist 308Ws. Same as before the 13 and 14” twists maintained 2 moa accuracy ten shot groups with liner group expansion at the longer ranges than did the 12” twist maintain linear expansion which was proven to be at a higher velocity than the 10” twist. When the velocity was converted to RMP it was found all the twists lost linear expansion at about the same RPM yet different velocities.
I then put a lot of time and money into having a 16” twist custom cartridge/rifle made, the 30x60 XCB. With the 30 XCB bullet consistent 1 moa accuracy was obtained with 10 shot groups to 600 yards, the farthest range tested. That was with the 165 gr 30 XCB bullet at 2900+ fps. Please show us, with factual proof, where anyone has done that with any faster twist using ternary alloy lubed GC’d bullets.
Please show us with factual proof where anyone has shot an 8” twist rifle chambered in 223 Remington that will hold 1 moa or less with 10 shots at 200 yards with a ternary alloyed lubed and GC’d cast bullets shot at a velocity that is commensurate with an equal weight jacketed bullet. Ok, we know you can’t do that so how about that 55 gr Lee Bator bullet at 2500 fps? Or even 2200 fps? You might come close with a 12 or 14” twist but with an 8” twist….show us?
The RPM Threshold is not a “limit”. I have asked John numerous times to conduct a simple test to prove it to himself, he hasn’t. I doubt you would either. Let me know if you want to try and I post the test, it is actually quite simple.
Now, as to the Perfect cast bullet”, how many of us can really cast a “perfect bullets that is absolute symmetrical and evenly balanced. Maybe one person in this world can but occasionally. I know I can cast pretty good bullets as can many others. But, perfect as in perfectly symmetrical and balanced….that would be a bit arrogant. BTW, I have sectioned a lot of “light weight” bullets which appeared perfect on the outside searching for that mythical “void” but have yet to find one. It is the slightly non symmetry of the cast bullet that causes imbalance, even if minute and undetectable to the eye. We may put any cast bullet into the chamber throat with perfectly fit as possible but if shot, particularly at HV it will not come out the muzzle as perfectly as it went into the chamber. Thus, any imbalance at all is acted upon by the RPMs centrifugal force. It’s why we shoot groups instead of the bullets all going into one hole…..at any range.
The last part of your post tells us where you are really coming from. Instead of facts to substantiate what you’re alluding to you turned it personal about “followers”, what I’ve made up, and “patting on the back”. All of which is unnecessary.
Concealment is not cover.........