So . . . for various reasons (lost loved one & my health issues) I haven't visited my loading bench in a very long time . . . several years. After coming out of that very lengthy fog I found my thoughts being bent towards my favorite hobby . . . my firearms. I started thinking about primers and powder. I thought about what I may need and checked the usual places like Midway, Grafs, Natchez, Powder Valley and Buffalo Arms. Oh-oh! Where is my defibrillator??!! Powder is now around $60.00 per pound! Primers at $100.00 per brick! WTH?? So I said whoa! Let me check my inventory before I place any orders! So off I went to the shop. Whew! Upon checking I found that I had several bricks of primers in all flavors along with three pounds of each of my favorite pistol powders e.g. Bullseye, Unique & Titegroup. Plenty of my favorite rifle powder e.g. H4831, H3031, H4198, H4350 & H4895. I'm good! Now . . . to warm up my lead pots!!
If someone else had of done to me what I did to myself . . . I'd have killed him. Humility is an asset. Heh - heh.