Thanks to hporter's informative post on PID temperature controllers several weeks ago, I put together one for my own use. What a difference it makes! As mentioned in that post there is lots of info on this in the "tube-a-verse". Many reloading oriented, and not. I found the videos in the "Hops and Barley Brewing" channel on PIDs very informative.
Mine will be complete when I add an enclosure. The controller is an INKBIRD PID-SSA from the usual source. The thermocouple probe that came with it was not suitable, one with a long probe was obtained. If I were to do it again I'd put the SSR next to the outlet to give more room to make the connections to the PID. The only problem I've had is that the on-off switch broke during the first casting session. I also learned that the SSR is not a perfect switch, having a very low amperage leak when off, on the order of .03 amps.
I'm using the default settings for the controller. The temperature ranges from -10 to +25 from the setpoint. Are there settings that can improve on this?