Stopped by one of the FaceBook groups for cast bullets this past week and noticed a post from an inDUHvidual (spelling intended) claiming to cast, coat, and load 113 gr bullets at 3500 fps from a 30-06, and touting their "accuracy" along with the ability to poke holes in steel plates at multiple hundreds of yards.
I inquired as to his definition of "accuracy", since he didn't describe it (beyond being able to hit a steel plate at 50-60 yards). I was informed he could hit an 8 inch plate at 200-300 yards and that he was getting 2 inch groups.
I marveled at his success, ability, and inquired as to his way of achieving same. Also, since I am from Missouri, I may have said something about "show me".
I was told to not be a "dick".
Surprisingly there was no evidence produced. I guess some places and their participants are not open to discussion.
I'm probably now banned from another FaceBook group..............