posted this
16 April 2022
The weather is supposed to turn foul for the next few weeks at least ; so I went and shot my targets.
‘Snap shot them like real ones.
target 1
7.62x33Rimmed loaded with 3.27 grains bulleye and tuft of Dacron over 150 grain hollow point mihec bullet.
cast 50/50 ww new/lead. Hand Lubed with 50beeswax/50vasalene. S&B srp.

I make it 5x5 + 3x9= 25+27=52.
Shot sitting peep sight.
Second Target
Martini Cadet 0.310"
120 gn RCBS over 2.3 grn bullseye tuft of Dacron set off with cci srp.
shot standing post.

score 9x5 + 10= 55.
What can I say.
‘I would have brung 18 rabbits home to gut and skin which would have been alright.
My parents would have chastised me for not head shooting them and making them worthless to sell.
Buggar that
‘At mostly 60 years old , and iron sights ; I’ll take what I can get and I’m supposed to be eating less anyway.
Ha…that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

p.s For punishment for botching up ….I kicked a coke can and a milky drink bottle around the 50 yard line for 30 or so shots with each gun off hand and only missed 3 times.

Thanks for letting me play.
It’s been good fun and gave me something to look forward too, and a diversion from all that stuff that’s going on at present in the world.