This is the longest period of sustained cold, damp weather I can remember in these mountains. Have not been able to get out to shoot and my old arthritic fingers just don't work even if I wear my artic parka in my unheated shop. I have done so much reloading lately that I need a break from that.
So out of of curiosity and boredom, I pose this entirely-unrelated-to-cast-bullets question.. In my younger days I had more than one tack driving 22-250, and for a few years I went out west to shoot prairie dogs every spring. One winter I got serious with the Dillon and loaded 600-800 22-250 rounds with ballistic tip and psp bullets, which would hold 1/2 to 3/4 groups out of a good rifle. I didn't get to go west that spring, and got interested in other shooting projects, sold the 22-250's and put back the loaded ammo. I was scrounging through reloading stuff yesterday and found a box with those loaded rounds in it. Stored dry without excessive heat, brass still clean and the only sign of age is a little oxidation on the exposed lead point on the psp bullets. I no longer have any interest in jacketed bullets, I don't want another varmint rifle, and I no longer know anybody who would use this ammo. I'm not looking to sell the stuff. Anyone have any ideas about what to do with it?