I've trapped 18 skunks this summer (in town, all within 30' of my house).
Anyone crazy enough to have tried cooking one?
(I did joke about my entry to the chili cook-off at work as being Pole cat #18 chili).
I've trapped 18 skunks this summer (in town, all within 30' of my house).
Anyone crazy enough to have tried cooking one?
(I did joke about my entry to the chili cook-off at work as being Pole cat #18 chili).
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I knew a fellow that cooked and actually tried skunk atleast once !
This guy also claimed to have eaten crow (for real) , possum , coom , groundhog and muskrat !
Guy was a heck of a shot with a rifle or a shotgun . But sad to say he's been dead for well over 30 years now . Killed himself with a shotgun when I was in the 10th grade . One of my school buddies was his youngest son !
That fellow would have been about 78 now if he hadn't killed himself !
And no I don't think eating skunk caused him to kill himself .
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Back 60 odd years ago when I was courting my wife (Yep, she's still with me, thank God) I was driving 'most every night from the Walnut valley, over the Covina Hills to her home in Baldwin Park. One night it was brought to my attention - quite forcefully - that a skunk had very recently been the loser in a car encounter. About a week later, when the skunk scent had lost some of it's potency, and was being overtaken by the dead animal gasses generated by the hot Southern California sun, I came over the little rise and discovered 3 possums feasting on the now overripe skunk.
I had never had any desire to try skunk anyway, and that experience convinced me that I would never be interested in trying possum, either!
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They tell me that Skunks carry rabies, that'd be reason enough not to cook one.
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EAT A SKUNK????!!!!!! :puke: It has to be asked. Did someone hit you on the head?:shock: I am a 'mountainie' man by god. I've eaten mos' everything that trots or trips. You ain't gonna slide a skunk on my plate and me know it. :taz::taz::taz:
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I am a 'mountainie' man by god.
I wasn't aware they had actual “mountains” in Kansas ;)
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I am a 'mountainie' man by god.
I wasn't aware they had actual “mountains” in Kansas ;) If you're drunk enough to eat a skunk, they can be had most any place. I'm only about 2 hrs from the front range.
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They tell me that Skunks carry rabies, that'd be reason enough not to cook one.
Yes, they can carry rabies. There have been many verified cases in the county and surrounding towns. That is the WHY I've trapped them. These 18 will be next year's corn. (Heck, if the indians used fish I can use skunks!) (With plenty of lime.)
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The top of Raton Pass is about 3-3 1/2 hrs. 4hr to Whittington Center.
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EAT A SKUNK????!!!!!! :puke: It has to be asked. Did someone hit you on the head?:shock: I am a 'mountainie' man by god. I've eaten mos' everything that trots or trips. You ain't gonna slide a skunk on my plate and me know
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Excessive indulgence in ” Taos Lighten' ” would we the only way I know.
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Trapped my 4th one this year (20 last year). Off to a good start.
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Sounds like you closing in on the Elite Expert Skunk dispatcher status.
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> Whats the surest way you have found to end up with a dead skunk and no stink?
To let some foolish person of uncertain parentage do the trapping and dispatching always works for me!
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Whats the surest way you have found to end up with a dead skunk and no stink?
This has worked 25 times so far. Hold a blanket up between you and trapped skunk and walk up to the trap. (If the skunk was caught overnight (likely) wait until next evening - it will be tired of digging.)
Gently cover the trap with the blanket. I wait 10 minutes for the skunk to get used to the dark.
Pick the trap up. It now contains grass and dirt - 5-10 lbs and will jerk when you pick it up. It is sometimes difficult to get a grip on a blanket covered trap - think it through before hand.
You need a place to drown the skunk. Large garbage cans are 2” shorter than the large have-a-heart trap (that was the FIRST one I did). I built a box of angle iron larger than the trap, lined with vynal roofing and filled with water.
In one gentle motion push the trap under the water and yank the blanket clear. Put a 1/2 cement block on top in case it's a large skunk (so it doesn't float up the trap). Walk away, come back in 5 minutes. 'possums take longer.
Wear rubber gloves emptying the trap. Burry with lime.
Only once or twice did one go off - and that was under the water. Skunks are VERY good natured. Someone has said that they don't spray in confined spaces. They would rather retreat than fight; but they ARE armed.
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What I want to know is after you trap them do you worry about getting sprayed before you kill and skin them and when you skin them do you worry about getting skunk juice on you?
Because I said so!
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When they're in the trap one just keeps away - out of range. The cats walking by make them a little edgy though.
Once they're under the blanket you're 'safe' even if one did spray before you give it a swimming lesson. Once in the water, it's all over.
Past that ? I just bury them. Someday I'll work up enough courage to skin one. I know some folks that do it.
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What I want to know is after you trap them do you worry about getting sprayed before you kill and skin them and when you skin them do you worry about getting skunk juice on you?
Do I worry about getting sprayed? There is NOTHING in life that raises my heart rate like carrying an armed nuclear weapon (under the blanket) over to the pool for a swimming lesson. After the 5th one we went to the Mexican restaurant for margareta's - celebrating cinco-de-skunko. They did not understand. After 10 or a dozen the recovery time from the event got down from an initial couple of hours to 15 or 20 minutes.
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My dad has a 20 foot 2 by 4 with a hook on the end. He attaches this in his tractor's loader bucket so he is as far as possible from the skunk, and hooks the trap with the hook and then drops it in the water tank.
Of course, he is a farmer and has said loader and a water tank. Me, I just shoot them and fix the (Hava-heart) trap!
If you have outdoor cats that you feed outdoors, you will have all kinds of interesting visitors after 9 pm. Take a light and your .22 magnum, 9mm, .38 Special, or .45 ACP and sneak up on them!
.22 LR does not kill them fast enough for me! In other words, they spray if not killed instantly.
Dale M. Lock
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I WOULD shoot 'em, but I live in town. I like the 20' 2X4.
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