"Frozen Chosin" M1 Garand Match

  • Last Post 23 February 2010
Wally Enga posted this 21 February 2010

We finally got a break in the weather and shot this match yesterday that was scheduled for the beginning of Jan.  After the Jan blizzards we couldn't even get into the range for about 3 weeks. For a winter day it was pretty nice --- temps in the teens in the morning and warming to lower 20's by the afternoon with fairly light winds.

We had a very good turnout with a record number of M1 entries for a CBA match. Richard Howard shot some great scores with his M1 to post a 369-4X aggregate including a 95-2X on his last 200 yard string.  Jeff has the results posted on the CBA Web Site.

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Vassal posted this 23 February 2010

Thanks for the pics! I love to see what is going on!

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JetMech posted this 23 February 2010

I got the same email, Tim. Also have M1D's for regular purchase! $1500 is outside my budget, but for someone who wants one.....

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tturner53 posted this 22 February 2010

Wally, tell your buddies to try either 5744 or 2400. Tom, you probably know that Korean stuff is corrosive. I got a can way back at a gun show and was using it for blasting ammo in a bolt action, didn't have a Garand then, had to do the hot water cleanup. It's not bad ammo though, for what it is. I got a email from the DCM, they say they're getting in a huge supply of more Greek HXP. The HXP will hold 1 1/2” in my CZ. They also said they're getting Garand bayonets soon, in a large quantity.

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cityboy posted this 22 February 2010

I have to admire these snow bunnies; I also think the are a bit nuts. No way in hell I would shoot in weather like that.


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Tom Acheson posted this 22 February 2010


We had our version of that up here at Oakdale on Saturday. Had (18) shooters. 20 F and sunny. Just a bit different than yours. CB's are not required and people are also suing M-1 Carbines (not sure why). You score your own targets but nothing is recorded or sent out afterwards. A lot of the guys have old uniforms on, canteen belts, .45's, helmets, etc. 10 rounds 10-minutes offhand, 10-rounds 60-seconds sit or kneel, 10-rounds 70-seconds prone and then 20-rounds 10-minutes prone. I'm shooting some surplus Korean made ammo (this is the only jacketed bullet shooting I do any given year now that prairie dogs are off the calendar). I have handloads that do better which I'll use next time out.

But...was FUN!


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CB posted this 22 February 2010

Nothing warms my heart more than seeing dedicated (crazy?) shooters out having a fun time at the range! However aint a chance in hell you would catch me out in that kind of weather to shoot a Garand, makes my right thumb ache just to think about it.

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Wally Enga posted this 21 February 2010

Ahhh --- I do envy your being able to shoot in 60+ temps this time of year. The Garand may have been the best Battle Rifle ever made but to get it to shoot as issued competitively in benchrest a match is a real task --- and that's the highest score I have seen in a cast bullet registered match with that rifle.

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tturner53 posted this 21 February 2010

Thanks for sharing that Wally, it gives me hope for my M1 with cbs. Tried it in a milsurp sil. match, no cigar, but I know it's me, not the gun or load. By the way, I shot the sil. match again yesterday with Wineman. I used my 1908 Brazilian 7x57 with j. ammo this time. Did ok, it was a lot of fun. Anyway, it was about 60+ degrees with mostly sunny skies! I could have rode my motorcycle to the match. Where does Jeff have the results, I'd like to see them?

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Wally Enga posted this 21 February 2010

Richard Howard getting the Dakota Benchrest “Frozen Chosen” trophy.


Great shooting Doc !



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Wally Enga posted this 21 February 2010

We even had die hards that after a suburb lunch of venison stew and pheasant noodle soup shot the course a second time around.

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