Over the weekend I stopped at a thrift/consignment shop. I found an old corrugated metal keg hand labeled 4831. The weight said 10 pounds but it seemed heavier than that. They were asking $50 for it. It had a pop lid on it. With permission I opened it and it looked fresh and smelled like my other IMR powders with no sign deterioration. Knowing the prices of reloading components lately I really couldn't leave it for what they were asking. Once home I put the whole keg on the baby scale and it was just shy of 22 lbs. I'd say I hit the jack pot with this find. Since most of my shooting is cast is there a practical use of 4831 in traditional cast calibers? I have calibers that are more associated with jacketed but if I could use the powder with cast that would equal to some cheap shooting.
Robert Homan