posted this
04 March 2009
I have melted down JPW. The solvents readily evaporate off. After it quits smoking and the remainder starts to turn darker, I turn off the heat. As Barney states, I find the wax to be very similar to Carnuba with my crude testing methods finding it behaves in most ways as Carnuba wax.
The MSD will tell to some components in a general description, but will probably leave you in the dark as to 'named' actual components. They get by using terms as mineral solvents and natural or organic waxes.
I haven't coated any CBs with JPW to see how it adheres, but as long as it sticks to the cb and not flake off it ought to be a good tumble lube. Adding JPW or mixing it with other waxes and greases is best considered as just mixing in Carnuba wax. The solvent is a determent in the bore, so the solvent should be cooked off if used in a cb lube or left to dry say 24hrs if tumbled.
According to usage of components (bullet fit, alloy, barrel condition / to velocity) it ought to work under most conditions, but not a fix all or best all around wonder cb lube, just another avenue that will get you there................Dan