Anybody know if these can be used with the Lee 6-cav. handles? I had a couple of the Lyman 4-cab. molds in the past with the “nutcracker” handles and always found them awkward to use.
Lyman 4-cavity molds
- Last Post 13 November 2015
Several of my Lee mold handles look like Swiss Cheese for all the holes drilled in them to make them fit other molds.
The problem is they are thin in width and allow the mold to bang around when closing; you have to be careful of alignment of the pins before closing to prevent damage.
Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest
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As BHyett says, the holes line up, but you have to set the blocks down on a table to close the handles. Lee stuff really only works with their blocks, no matter what others tell you. HTH, Ric
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the handles will work if you have a milling machine the 4 cavity Lyman blocks have a smaller slot than any of their other molds I use lee 6 cavity mold handles machined to a 1/4” thickness the hole may have to be adjusted in diameter...too old to remember when using them ...squeezing the handles is a requirement, otherwise the bullets in the front of the mold will cast out of round and larger in dia
I did this because the nutcracker handles are a pain to use
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