I made the die using the cheap Chinese mini lathe and drill/mill machines. Do not sell these cheap machine tools short, with proper adjustment and limitations, they can turn out precision work.
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Making a lubri/sizer die
- Last Post 18 October 2015
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My father wanted me to be a tool and die maker back in the 1960's. I served a 3 month pre-apprenticeship at Aeronca Aircraft. It was beaten into me by the little old German guys that “it is a poor workman who blames his tools". Being afraid the war in Viet Nam would be over, I enlisted to be a helicopter pilot, but that is another tale.
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I served millwright apprenticeship 1961-65, chased turnarounds for a while, but wife got tired of that real quick. Then as maintenance mechanic for heavy industrial machinery, and operating engineer mechanic on moving and stationary equipment. After we moved to Alaska, worked offshore as mechanic for a major oil company and wound up in management.
Marathon Oil Co. moved us around quite a bit and on our family web page ((see URL) we kept some photos and narrations as to where we lived.
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