I need a 95 grain or more gas check mould for a fast twist 6PPC I am working on. I have many moulds I could trade as well as other casting equipment and just about anything else related to our sport.
The RCBS 95 or the NOE 106 would fill the bill.
I need a 95 grain or more gas check mould for a fast twist 6PPC I am working on. I have many moulds I could trade as well as other casting equipment and just about anything else related to our sport.
The RCBS 95 or the NOE 106 would fill the bill.
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I have a single cavity 358315 and 30-'06 and 270 brass.
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i have a NEI ( the good old Walt ones ) 2 cavity in 75 and 100 grains. pics if interested.
got anything that would be good in a 35 Whelen ... ? ...
or 30-06 or 270 brass ?
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Paul, the only 25 calibers I have are for my 25-20s.
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I have the RCBS 243-095 mold. I don’t really use it, but hate to part with anything. Do you have any .25 caliber molds in the 95-100 grain range?
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