So, after several years of not having enough time to shoot any of the postals, I swore that this year I was going to find the time. I ordered up targets for several matches, and realized a week ago that the deadline for the winter military benchrest is right around the corner. Spent the last couple of evenings prepping brass and loading up. I closed my shop this morning and ran up to the beautiful private range I have use of with the '96 Swede, and a promising load. I wanted to get the rounds down range before the wind came up.....
First thing, my gunshy dog jumped out of the car and headed for the hills. I finally got him back and locked in the car and set up at the bench. Well, this range runs west to east. Hmmmm.... Sun in my eyes, targets not well illuminated. If I wait for the sun to be well overhead we're gonna have wind. Heck, let's shoot this match!
Wow, bad sun, sights for youngsters on the Swede, yeah I now believe the optometrist about those cataracts! After lots of blinking, swearing, trying to get on the trigger before losing the front sight, I got them all fired. So, the groups came in about DOUBLE the size of what the rifle/load are capable of.
The internal battle all the way home from the range: Ash can these targets, or send 'em in and see my mediocrity chronicled for eternity in the F.S.?
Hah! They're in the mail ! I can't be the first guy to have a range day like that!