I have a T/C 10” Hot Shot bbl that I bought in the 80's when I started to shoot IHMSA silhouettes. The only thing my local gun shop had at the time was a Contender with the Hot Shot bbl and being impatient as I am I bought it. I took the rib sight off and had a scope mount installed. Now I would like to return it back to a shot bbl and can not find the front sight screw. I have everything else but the front sight elevation screw. Does anyone by chance know what size this screw would be or where one can be obtained. It doesn't screw into the bbl, but butts against the bbl and the front sight has threads on it to be moved up or down. If dimensions are available, both my sons are in the tool and die trade and hopefully one can make one for me. ( Ya Right)
Thank you very much for any help