Single cavity molds

  • Last Post 21 December 2021
2frogs posted this 19 December 2021

Who else uses single cavity molds?? I love them, my theory is cast slow and not make more than I will need for awhile..

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2frogs posted this 21 December 2021

I only cast a few at a time. That way I can go back and make more..

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Lee Guthrie posted this 21 December 2021

I have a lot of old Ideal and Lyman single cavity moulds, and several HP moulds.  Up until the past few years if you wanted a HP mould it was going to be single cavity.  And my Eagan moulds are all singles.  

If you are trying to get a pile of pistol or rifle plinking bullets they are NOT the way to go.

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max503 posted this 21 December 2021

I have a one cavity Lyman mold for the 45 acp.  Never used it.  Have had good luck with single cavity, 30 caliber Lee molds for my 30-30.

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2frogs posted this 20 December 2021

That's all I use is a dipper over a propane single burner stove. Got a new Lyman mold today. Hollow point with gas check. Should be interesting. I never used a hollow point mold before.probably wouldn't use it for awhile..

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BigMan54 posted this 20 December 2021

I like to dipper cast with single cavity molds, especially for rifle. I seem to get more consistent weights that way. 

And I've always used single cavity molds for BP; Minie's, Maxi's. You sorta don't really have a choice with them. 

I find dipper casting to be very relaxing. 

Long time Caster/Reloader, Getting back into it after almost 10yrs. Life Member NRA 40+yrs, Life S.A.S.S. #375. Does this mean a description of me as a fumble-fingered knuckle-draggin' baboon. I also drool in my sleep. I firmly believe that true happiness is a warm gun. Did I mention how much I HATE auto-correct on this blasted tablet.

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Boschloper posted this 20 December 2021

I have a mix of single and double cavity Lymans and some double cavity RCBS. I prefer the one hole Lymans.  The slower rate doesn't bother me and I like the results. When using the two holers I only use the front cavity. 

Does anyone have a .32 wadcutter mold for sale?

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Pentz posted this 19 December 2021

It has been said, but if one wants consistent results single is a must.  I expect the majority of my match bullets to fall within less than one grain spread, and one-half grain spread on a good day.

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RicinYakima posted this 19 December 2021

Almost all of my iron and brass moulds are single cavity, except 38 WC Ideal and 45 SWC Ideal. Having my strong side elbow destroyed and rebuilt, I am very sensitive about weight over a couple of hours of casting. Being retired, I just pick a day to cast and when I am done, I clean up. Normal is about 250 keepers in a day, if the mould, alloy and gremlins are in a good mood. 

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Little Debbie posted this 19 December 2021

I have several too. Until the recent panic they were a cheap way to get a mold you’d like to try cheap. I especially like old Ideal single cavity rifle molds. They seem to produce accurate bullets in most instances. Casting with two single cavities keeps the molds at proper temp for good bullets. Single cavity pistol/revolver bullets can be slow, but I only shoot large volumes of
9 mm, .38 Spl, and .45 ACP. So I use 3,4,5, 6 cavity molds and tumble lube. Others can live with single cavity molds. I don’t mind the slow pace. It gives me an excuse to be in the shop doing gun stuff.

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Tom Acheson posted this 19 December 2021

I have several. They are all for BPCR (Black Powder Cartridge Rifle) plain base bullet loads. They all exceed 415-grains. Brands are Saeco, Paul Jones and Brooks. Although production rate may be slower, but not by a lot, there is no suspicion of cavity variation as in multiple cavity molds. Pistol and revolver bullets may not benefit from that concern for uniformity. But long range (up to 1000-yards), heavy rifle bullets, need to very consistent.


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