Has anyone had any experience with Shooter's World Powder? If so what is your opinion of it?
Has anyone had any experience with Shooter's World Powder? If so what is your opinion of it?
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I have used Buffalo Rifle and Heavy Pistol. It is wonderful powder.
With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.
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I have also used Buffalo Rifle (same data as 5744 but doesn't heat barrel as much). Also used some Blackout. Been happy with them.
John Carlson. CBA Director of Military Competition.
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Too bad I've never seen it for sale within 100 miles of Yakima.
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John you mentioned
(same …… as 5744 but doesn't heat barrel as much).
Could you elaborate on your experiences with the two. Hope this isn’t too far off the OP MP started. Bill.
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Too bad I've never seen it for sale within 100 miles of Yakima.
Griggs Pasco has it occasionally. I bought 6# and it's quite nice in my 50-90 with 450-550g bullets with a 32g charge.I can't tell the difference between it and the new 5744 in the same charge weights in the C-Sharps.It also was identical performance per charge weight in my 7.62x54 PU Sniper with the 314299
"if it was easy we'd let women do it" don't tell my wife I said that!
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I shoot Highpower... Their "Precision" powder is virtually the same as Varget, shoots lights out in .223 w/ 77 gr. Match Kings. My absolute go-to. I use Buffalo Rifle (very very close, if not identical to 5744) with cast bullets in a wide range of calibers, from .223 in a Howa Mini-Action (67 gr. Loverin style GC from NOE.. 11 gr. Buffalo Rifle w/ this bullet nets ~1750 fps., & MOA in my Howa) up to .375 H&H. And all of my milsurp rifles in between. I tend to use Buffalo Rifle when looking towards higher velocities, and faster powders when working in the 12-1500 fps range. Very consistent. The Shooter's World powders are re-packaged Lovex powder, which is produced in the Czech Republic by Explosia. Been around for many years. The S.W. Precision used to be a well kept secret, and was quite a bit less expensive than Varget, but has since been "discovered", and the price has gone up significantly! Want to talk handguns & cast bullets? Their " Clean Shot " powder will work just fine in any application where you would use TiteGroup or BE. Great company, superb powders!
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I haven't used a lot of 5744 (expensive) but results were similar to 2400 or 4227. Main difference I noted was significantly more barrel heating. Got some Buffalo Rifle this spring. Shot several groups with identical loads of Buffalo and 5744. Velocity and groups were similar. It was the first time I shot a match with Buffalo that I really noticed that the barrel wasn't heating up as much. In fairness others have related that their newer lots of 5744 also don't heat as much.
John Carlson. CBA Director of Military Competition.
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Buffalo rifle is 5744. There has been 3 different manufacturers of 5744. Lovex was the first so it is the original 5744.
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One will find a distinct correlation between Shooters World powders and Accurate powders. As mention above, Buffalo Rifle IS Accurate 5744. Heavy Pistol IS Accurate #9 and so forth.
This correlation was confirmed to me by a corporate representative at Shooters World (Lovex) a while back. He was very forthcoming about it when we discussed 45-90 loads. I would be careful however to just assume all the powders are the same as their Accurate powders. Know however that the very same manufacturing sample of 5744 was used to make Buffalo Rifle. Things do change over time and one should read and evaluate the load data published by Shooters World.
I wonder if Lovex (Shooters World in North America) can keep the prices down. It was wonderful to get Buffalo Rifle at all and I was pleased it was at a must lower cost than 5744. As the popularity rises, so will the prices I fear.
With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.
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After Western began transitioning the manufacture of it's Accurate line of powders from Explosia/Lovex (in Czechoslovakia and Belgium) to General Dynamics, Shooters World emerged. Shooters World powders (from Explosia/Lovex) are the same as for Accurate powders only from the era when the Accurate line was manufactured by Explosia. No presumption can be made as to the two lines being identical now that General Dynamics is the manufacturer of Accurate. In October of 2020 Hodgdon acquired the Accurate line from Western. So Accurate powders are now Hodgdon powders. And things may already be changing as a result. Recent rumor (and I must emphasize "rumor") has it that Hodgdon has changed Accurate Nitro 100 NF to be identical to their Titewad powder, meaning that Nitro 100 NF has been altered to now have a bit slower burn rate, and a bit different density. Will Hodgdon (and/or General Dynamics) alter other of the Accurate line of powders? Or has such already happened? Who knows.
If I had to guess, Shooters World powders first appeared in about 2012.
Explosia retails its powders under the Lovex brand name in the EU and the UK. I'm not sure if Explosia owns Shooters World.
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My 5744 is older and I cant tell a difference in it and the Buffalo Rifle . I use it in 45-70 with 405g lead for hunting only so I have never had any heating issue with either. Good powder for what I use it for but seems like it is not much cheaper like it once was, in my area anyway. Have also read that it is called and sold under a different name in Europe and is the same powder sold here as 5744 . Not sure where I read that though but I can probably find the info again , it was on the manufacturers web site if I am not mistaken. It was a chart listing their powders and what they were sold as by other companies in different countries. Have not knowingly used any of their other powders sold under their brand.
PS: I was wrong , I can't find it . It was on the Explosia site but is no longer there. There is a Burn Rate chart on shooters world that shows BR ,5744 and 300mp as the same burn rate. Lovex / Explosia calls it D060 and DO60-01 .
Grumpy Old Man With A Gun......Do Not Touch .
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The loose correlation of Accurate 5744 to Lovex DO60 is seen within Explosia's 2016 reloaders manual.
Western's burn rate chart shows 5744 sitting on a burn rate line all by itself, with no other powders sharing that line. But the Western chart does not list any Lovex (Explosia) powders.
Western was the distributor of the Accurate line of powders until October of 2020, when they sold their Accurate line to Hodgdon.
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Check on Wolfe Publishing. Each edition of the Handloader Magazine features a column called Powder Profiles. They have reviewed Shooters World powders often and they are extensive on the research.
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