remembering Walt at NEI

  • Last Post 24 September 2023
Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 13 September 2023

Before 911 and even Afghastlystan  ... there were better days ...  and the original NEI was part of that ...  call NEI and talk to Walt himself ... geee ...

i found a reminder tonight in a back drawer of my reload bench ... thought i would share.

i dont get a work sheet with my Lee dies ...  heh ..


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OU812 posted this 13 September 2023

Back in 1997 I talked to NEI over the phone. It was probably Walt. He taught me how to smoke my new NEI .458 caliber mould.

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Lee Guthrie posted this 13 September 2023

A LONG time ago I had several moulds made by NEI.  Called to inquire about them and Walt talked to me.  Specifically remember the one for .54 Sharps and a particular round ball made to fit inside a Remington Power Piston wad for a 10 gauge.  The .30, .35, and .458 cals were all stock designs, but quality was always there.  Still have all of them.   And yes, the spec sheet Ken talks about was always included, or at least a sticker attached to the mould box with that info.

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gnoahhh posted this 14 September 2023

I first talked to Walt around 40 years ago when I finally got fed up with the factory molds I had saddled myself with. He patiently talked me through the process, and bade me secure more info about my chamber/throat/bore dimensions, and to call him back. When I did so he and I came up with what he thought would be a winner in that .30 barrel, and by golly he was right. That .30 RN 180 bullet has been a steady producer in most every rifle I've used it in since that day - my attitude is that if a gun won't shoot that bullet then it may not shoot anything well.

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358156hp posted this 18 September 2023

Back in 1997 I talked to NEI over the phone. It was probably Walt. He taught me how to smoke my new NEI .458 caliber mould.

I'm surprised he didn't try to talk you into using that colloidal graphite stuff he was so fond of.

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Samari46 posted this 18 September 2023

I have one of Walt's 180 grain DD molds. Has a small ring on the nose to center the bullet to the bore. Frank

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Qc Pistolero posted this 24 September 2023

Mid '80s I ordered a 5 cavities .358 150gr Keith type SWC.Must have made around 100K bullets with it.It's still making them as good as the first ones.I don't remember the price I paid for it but whatever it was it was not enough!

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