Ram Shot Competition powder

  • Last Post 22 April 2024
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wimilkman posted this 14 April 2024

I bought a container of Ram Shot Competition powder as I could not find any Bullseye locally I have heard a few good things about it I am going to use mainly in 45acp and 40 S&W . If you have used this powder I would like to know your thoughts/opinions on it and how it worked.

Thankyou ,Fred

Fred H.

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MarkinEllensburg posted this 16 April 2024


Have you tried the Hodgdon website? Seems to be lots of data there. Although I have two jugs I have not even opened them. Bought at the beginning of the component outage when I was loading a bunch of trap loads. I shortly thereafter found an 8# jug of Herco and with much more load data didn't need to even crack them open.  

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wimilkman posted this 16 April 2024

Thank you for the reply, I have looked on Hodgdon's website they have some good information on there I can use I am more curious on how it performs when used I think it will work well though from what a guy told me at my gun club today.

Fred H.

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Aaron posted this 16 April 2024


It will probably go bang. How well it performs in your guns, with your handloads, with whatever weight bullets, brass and primers you choose to use, is what will determine how well it works for you. I'm not trying to sound patronizing here but how it works for one person may not be how it works for another. There are too many variables.

Work up some loads and let us know how it worked for you.


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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wimilkman posted this 17 April 2024


I am in the process of working up loads now I am starting with 38special and a 148gr DEWC with a Unis Ginex SP primer , I have had good luck with Bullseye powder but here in Las Vegas it is always about availability and Ram Shot powders always seem to be consistently available it is why I am trying them, so far I really like Silhouette for 9mm , 38Super, 40 S&W and Enforcer for 357mag, 44 mag and 454 Casull

  I always like a fast powder in 38special and 45 auto I have tried slower powders in both but always come back to fast ones. Once I get some loads down range I will let you all know what I find out I am thinking it will be somewhat similar to WST it sure looks like it.

Fred H.

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Aaron posted this 17 April 2024

In the 45ACP for punching paper and killing bowling pins, the 200gr H&G#68 has been, and always will be my favorite. It is the most accurate 45ACP bullet I have ever used. I stoke mine with Bullseye. Frankly I have not loaded any of these in 20 years and do not have any Bullseye on hand. I will be curious to see how you like the Ramshot Competition.

I have to say, for the 44 and the 454 Casull, H110 is the way I roll. Magnum primers and a heavy roll crimp are needed of course to get that H110 lit off correctly. I shoot the SSK 340gr bullet in the 454. It works wonders on large boar.


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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wimilkman posted this 18 April 2024

Those are some nice looking loads I don't need them that heavy anymore as I am 69 but still shoot 454 and 44 magnum, I like to use H110/W296, Blue Dot or 2400 but  availability here in Las Vegas NV can be spotty. Sportsman Warehouse here usually has a lot of Ram Shot powders for some reason so I have transitioned to them and like them,, Enforcer works well for me. I see you crimp like I do those are some nice looking bullets. I shot this target (50 shots) with my Raging Bull 44 magnum using Ram Shot Enforcer with a MBC 200 grain LRN and a Unis Ginex LP primer at 15 yards on Sunday.

If you like the H&G 68 mold then you should try the MBC 45cal. 185 grain Button LSWC in 45 auto it is the most accurate bullet I have ever used in 45 auto I get them from Graf's. It is based on the H&G 130 mold it is all I use for 45 auto/auto rimmed. I loaded tonight 100 rounds of 38 special with a MBC 148gr. DEWC at 2.7grains and 2.5 grains of Ram Shot Competition with a Unis Ginex SP primer. I have to order some 45 cal.185 Buttons I thought I had another box but I am out as soon as I get some loaded and shot with Ram Shot Competition I will put out a range report on here I am curious to see how this powder works in 45 auto.

Fred H.

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Aaron posted this 18 April 2024

I see you crimp like I do those are some nice looking bullets.

That crimp was on the original 454 Cartridges from Freedom Arms decades ago when I bought that revolver in 1986. RCBS copied that crimp in their initial 454 Casull loading die and I am fortunate to have a set of them. When shooting maximum loads of H110 and WW296, that crimp is really needed to ensure proper ignition with that propellant and heavy bullets like the SSK (J.D. Jones) bullet shown. N.E.I. made that bullet mold for SSK distribution. Now that everyone makes 454 Casull die sets, I am sure the "standard" roll crimp is the cheapest way to go with production. Like you, I don't shoot too many of those heavy loads anymore, and allowing a newbie shooter to shoot them for fun is inviting an unwelcome hospital visit for them. The Freedom Arms SAA grip on the Premium Model 83 is easier to shoot with its recoil absorbing "clutch" design. The softer rubber style grips on the Field Grade model and those on other brands of revolvers are painful to shoot since they transfer ALL the recoil into the hand. At least for me anyway.

If you like the H&G 68 mold then you should try the MBC 45cal. I will put out a range report on here I am curious to see how this powder works in 45 auto.

At this stage in my shooting adventures, whereby I no longer compete in Bullseye or "tactical" shooting venues, nor do I train LEO's any longer, I am satisfied with the molds I have. With the H&G #68 performing so well for me, I don't think I have a need to try another mold or bullet in the 45 ACP. Getting too long in the tooth now and with powder and primers off the price charts, I need to spend my allowable funds on powder. I am still amazed at the prices garnered by the retailers for powder and primers now. I mentioned to my better half just last night when my FORTY DOLLAR size die arrived that there is NO WAY I could afford to "tool up" for reloading today. No wonder we are seeing less and less new folks joining our hobby/sport. It's simply too expensive. We loaded our way through the golden age of handloading and casting and I think we will be the last to do it. God Bless the boomers!

I look forward to reading your range report(s) when posted.

Shoot Safe!


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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Aaron posted this 18 April 2024


If you shoot lighter loads in your 454 Casull revolvers, I would caution you not to use minimum charges of magnum propellants like H100 or other newer ones on the market. Here is what happened to me with a 45 Caliber 255gr KTSWC bullet and a minimum charge of WW296. The squib made it out of the barrel and hit the lower edge if the F1 Chrony. I found the bullet a few feet away from the Chrony purely by chance. I went to Unique after that and now use TiteGroup for the lighter loads. I bet Trail Boss would work just fine if it ever comes back to market.

The 255gr bullet and the powder charge got pushed through the cylinder at shot start, and was not retained long enough to ensure complete ignition. There was unburned propellant stuck to the bullet when I found it. We learn.


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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BRatigan posted this 18 April 2024

I have been experimenting with Ramshot Competition on my 9mm. I found it to be a light recoiling powder yet accurate and quick enough for my needs. It seems to be a target grade powder for bullseye competition. It's very economical and worth working with.

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wimilkman posted this 19 April 2024

Aaron, I am very aware of that with H110/W296… I just bought a 5lb. Trail Boss today from a friend that sold his 45 colt and did not realize he had it I was using it for 454 with a 255 LSWC for light loads until I ran out ,, just a beautiful target load and holy crap is it accurate. If I could find it I would use Blue Dot in 454 I was using it as a backup to W296/ H110 and it worked great. But like you my body doesn’t always appreciate being pounded by the big bores at the age of 69 . I have a Ruger Super RedHawk 454 in target gray with a 7.5 inch barrel my father in law gave it to me before he passed away.

Fred H.

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wimilkman posted this 19 April 2024

I am going to have to try it in 9mm I have been currently using Silhouette.

Fred H.

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wimilkman posted this 22 April 2024

Tried out Ram Shot Competition today in 38 Special I put 100 shots on this target at 15 yards, load consisted of Mixed Brass cases, MBC 148gr. LDEWC, Unis Ginex SP Primers , Ram Shot Competition powder and a S&W 14-2 with a 6 inch barrel temperature today was 91 degrees with a very light cross wind.

I used data from the last manual Western Powder published Edition 1, load was accurate , clean burning ,mild recoil , mild report and no unburned powder. I don't normally use a DEWC in this gun my normal bullet is a Precision Delta Swaged 148gr HBWC that they coat with what they call Match Lube this is my preferred bullet for this gun. After shooting this today I am going to keep using this powder I am impressed with it plus it meters well. As soon as I get some 45 bullets for my 45 auto's I will do a range report on how it works in them I like a fast powder in 45 auto.

Fred H.

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linoww posted this 22 April 2024

Unique and Green dot work well in my Casull for target loads.I'll admit I've never loaded my Freedom Arms hotter than 45 Colt levels ,I sort of hate recoil but love the pistols accuracy. 

"if it was easy we'd let women do it" don't tell my wife I said that!

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wimilkman posted this 22 April 2024

I am like you love the accuracy of my Ruger Super Red Hawk but don't like the recoil of full power loads I did load some with 700X when you could find it they were very nice shooting I have used Blue Dot also but they are quite stout. I have a friend that uses W231 with a 255 gr LSWC it is a nice shooting load probably much like Unique or Green Dot.

Fred H.

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