So I managed to obtain 12+ pounds of SR4759 in the past two days and plan to use this to fuel my military molt actions for the rest of my natural life. I currently feed a Mosin 91/30, VZ24 8mm Mauser and a No4 Mk1 Enfield .303 using a variety of Accurate 30 cal and Lee 8mm molds. I have been using IMR4198 primarily and would like to hear suggestions for incorporating SR4759 into these rifles. Suggestions?
Powder Score! Need data......
- Last Post 02 February 2019
- Topic Is Solved
Page 172, Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook #4, 303 Brit load with the Lee C312-185-1R, START 18 gr SR5759, 1585 fps, MAXIMUM, 26.0 gr 2100 fps. Use the minimal sizing that will just allow chambering and you will do well.
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Here is a 2001 manual. Rifle data starts on page 47.
The 2004 manual. Rifle data starts on page 9.
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Thanks for the references. I have the manual data but was hoping for actual experiences with this powder in these calibers.
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Check the match results. Some have likely listed data you can find useful.
John Carlson. CBA Director of Military Competition.
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You'll find a accurate load, between 18 to 22 gr, in all those calibers.
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Frank is correct! I shot 18.5 gr in my 308 and 20 gr in my Springfield as match loads for years.
It is a great powder score indeed and it won't require much load development. I have shot 4759 in several small calibers also. If memory serves me, it was a very good powder in the 45-70 as well.
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Another thing to keep in mind, regarding this powder, is primers.
I've been using it since 1986 and in all my testing, I found that the weaker primers, work best and Rem 2 1/2 or 1 1/2 produced the best accuracy for me, with F150's second.
4759 is the only rifle powder, that I know of, that isn't coated, there for, it easier to ignite it.
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Just went out and shot 18gr and 20gr under a Lee 325-175 in my 8mm. Where I once thought this gun might be hopeless, I can see that I just didn't have the right load previously. These two show excellent potential. Can't wait to try it in my .303.
Thanks all.
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