Thinking of trying some plain base bullets in my 243. These will be powder coated. At maybe a bhn of 10/11. Any suggestions? I am sizing them 243 and then adding the powder coat..thanks
Plain base bullets
- Last Post 09 March 2023
- Topic Is Solved
The lack of response is kind of telling. Anything I've done with 243 has been gas checked and I don’t have access to any plain based ones other than just not putting on one. That is possibly true of most of us who have gone down that road. NOE makes plain base molds for most every style and if you find something that works I'd love to hear about it.
Scott Ingle
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Plain base and powder coated would be legal only in hunter class. You cannot use them in PB catagory.
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Shootcast is correct about not being allowed in Pain Based class.
OK in all other classes.
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should work just fine ... remember that 22rf is plain base and CCI stomps out a million of these a day that shoots 1 to 2 moa ...
it might be that small diameter bullets are more sensitive to base squareness ... i could get better groups with my 22 castings by obsessing over the bases ... my 45-70 doesnt seem too picky ...
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I shoot cast bullets minus their checks from my 218 Bee. I had to fiddle about but they do okay.
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I agree that shooting GC bullets without the checks is fiddly compared to plain base ones. I don't really have it figured out so generally try to avoid it. 45-70 is definitely easier to get to work compared to smaller calibers.
Scott Ingle
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Years ago picked up a Bubba'd Lyman 243 mold, dont recall the number. The GC portion was messed up so milled it down to remove the damaged area and ended up with a FB bullet of about 80 grs. Used it in front of 4 grs of Bullyseye in a Rem 788 carbine. Did not lead and was extremely accurate at 25 yards and not too shabby at 50 yards. The 788 had a short throat which I think helped. My current 243 has a longer throat and it did not shoot well in that rifle. Both the 788 and the mold are gone now, but don't discount PB until you try a few.
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