Link to the blog about my weekend away small game hunting.
Cheers from New Zealand
Link to the blog about my weekend away small game hunting.
Cheers from New Zealand
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Very good article, thanks for a really good read!
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Great article , thanks for sharing with us.
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Nice, Great read. We had sheep for many years. Border collies worked them. Not the amount of land or sheep the the owner has that is a nice ranch. Lots of work.
Enjoyed the video.
I to have a 22 Hornet. A CZ Brono Fox.....Nice shooting rifle.
Thanks again for the good read.
Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.
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Jeff, based on your blog, it seems NZ could use a few hawks owls and foxes. A few coyotes too, but they might lambs as well as rabbits.
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Jeff, based on your blog, it seems NZ could use a few hawks owls and foxes. A few coyotes too, but they might lambs as well as rabbits.
Oh the forefathers thought that too. To control rabbits they introduce weasels, stoats and ferrets all of whom decided it was easier to prey on the native bird population than rabbits. It was one disaster after another.
There is a great quote from one of Mona Anderson’s books (she wrote about high country life) where the station cook recalled a comment from his father, a wharf worker, who witnessed the first shipment of mustelids arriving. “They’ll never chase fur over feathers” he said. He was right.
Cheers from New Zealand
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Great write-up. I've got to try some 311249's in my .30-30's and maybe even in .30-06.
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Excellent read, immensely enjoyable, Reminded me of the jack rabbit hunts years ago in Eastern Oregon.
Concealment is not cover.........
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America has had foreign species introduced by people with good intentions too. Red Fox introduced by landed gentry in Virginia because Grey Fox didn't play fair for their fox hunting. Ring Neck Pheasants from China: that worked out well. English Starlings: a total disaster.
I am amazed that we can communicate from your side of the world to mine as we do.
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Nicely done, I used merino wool as a case filler once. The fellow on the bench next to me at the range, "My GOD that stinks! I haven't smelled anything like that since I got back from Nam." Burnt hair is burnt hair I guess.
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Nicely done, I used merino wool as a case filler once. The fellow on the bench next to me at the range, "My GOD that stinks! I haven't smelled anything like that since I got back from Nam." Burnt hair is burnt hair I guess.
You mean like this? I used to sell these for just such purposes. 100% wool. Still have enough for me.
Cheers from New Zealand
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jeff ... those are some really b a a a a d arse loads ! ...
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Nicely done, I used merino wool as a case filler once. The fellow on the bench next to me at the range, "My GOD that stinks! I haven't smelled anything like that since I got back from Nam." Burnt hair is burnt hair I guess.
You mean like this? I used to sell these for just such purposes. 100% wool. Still have enough for me.Yes sir, just like that. I was thinking that as wool is somewhat flame resistant it might do well.
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The only island in the Hawaiian chain without mongooses is Kauai. The story is that the cage of them was being handed to someone on the ship or dock and one bit them. That caused them to toss the cage into the water and spared Kauai the fate of the other islands.
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I may have mentioned this but in 2015 my younger daughter had an opportunity (and parents with the ability) to do a summer abroad at Massey University. After a too short family vacation, she started out at a sheep ranch on the South Island. Since she had been in country for several weeks and knew the money, electricity and customs, she was the leader of the flock so to speak. She eventually finished up with a winery internship at CJ Pask outside of Napier on the North Island. Here we are pretending that I know what side of the road I need to be on:
I believe that the snow fields were about to open (early June) so every rental car had racks on the roof.
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Dave; you wouldn’t believe the yards of rental cars parked up now due to closed borders. Absolutely staggering. Glad you visited when you did.
Cheers from New Zealand
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So Jeff, you have me curious about the wool case filler. Is wool better than Dacron? My wife is a quilter and uses both Dacron and wool batting. I have used her Dacron scraps for filler but never thought of using wool. If it works better, I could put up with the smell, couldn't be any worse than branding calves.
Cheers from New Hampshire
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So Jeff, you have me curious about the wool case filler. Is wool better than Dacron? My wife is a quilter and uses both Dacron and wool batting. I have used her Dacron scraps for filler but never thought of using wool. If it works better, I could put up with the smell, couldn't be any worse than branding calves.
Cheers from New Hampshire
I have no preference. Just have a million little wool buttons and they work.
Cheers from New Zealand
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Leaving the North Island car at the Wellington terminal was a bit scary: park car on dirt under overpass, put keys in box. Arriving at the Picton terminal: "are you Dave?", tossing the keys and locking her office door, "have a nice rest of your trip". When we arrived in Auckland at 7:00 AM after a 14 hour flight from San Francisco, the Hotel was gracious enough to let us into our rooms so we could get some rest. Very hospitable folks in NZ. I highly recommend it for a visit!
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