Does anyone actually use those things. Lee dipper (lead). I tried mine once with a single cavity mold. Even let the spur build up. I was getting uneven bases. Unless there's a trick to it..
Little lee dipper
- Last Post 17 October 2022
Useful for pouring long skinny rifle bullets or for very small capacity molds. Any other use will cause you problems.
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Adding flux and removing dross. The thin steel heats quickly and the melt doesn't stick.
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Thought that was what stainless steel teaspoons from Goodwill were for?
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Those Goodwill spoons are very handy. Drill a small hole near the point of the spoon to allow the melt to drain from the bowl retaining the dross. Another hole in the handle to screw to a dowel for an insulated handle. A very handy tool and with the curve on the bowl and edges, does a great job of scraping the sides and bottom of the casting furnace.
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Yep, I bought one when a first started casting back when Noah was getting his feet wet. Best use has been fluxing and cleaning dross off the top. The wood handle has been a good thing but I may consider drilling a hole in it for drain. A good idea is a good idea.
Scott Ingle
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The LEE ladle is a dandy pot scraper. Beyond that point its utility starts fading fast.
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Hello jimmyDee,
I, like you, use the little Lee dipper for fluxing, but use a table spoon for dipping of dross. I use the little dipper for fluxing because you can catch more air than a spoon, when you turn it upside down to dip in the pot, With my small bottom pour, it it gives you much more freedom of movement while fluxing than a spoon does.
David a. Cogburn
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