light bullets in 375 Winchester handgun

  • Last Post 27 March 2022
paullacy posted this 17 March 2022


I have been reloading for over 50 years and casting lead bullets for about 30 years.   

I just purchased an old mould Lyman 375-83.  It makes a 150 grain bullet.  Does anyone know where I can find load data for a bullet this light in the 375 Winchester? 




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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 17 March 2022

a 375 win. is kinda a 38-55 .. maybe there will be some light loads for those somewhere in old manuals...

but also maybe you have to allow for what strength handgun you have.

if it was a win. 94 rifle i would just dump in 7 gr. of Unique and get about 1300 fps ...

i bet a plinker 375 would sure bounce a bean can ...


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  • paullacy
Mouldknocker posted this 17 March 2022

That bullet is actually for the .36 Cal. Patterson Cap Ball Revolver. It will work in others, but the cylinder will need to be removed as the bullet is too long for the loading rams.

I cast this bullet for people using it for varmints in the Thompson Contender and 38 - 55 rolling block rifles.

Hope this helps,


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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 17 March 2022

here is some discussion on light bullets in the 38-55 from the ASSR guys ..

sounds like fun



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Lee Guthrie posted this 17 March 2022

That would be a lot more pleasant to shoot than the 250 + grainers that I shoot out of my .375 Win rifle and Contender pistol.


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paullacy posted this 18 March 2022

Ken- - the barrell is a 14" ss contender with a muzzel brake and shoots great with Hornady 220 JFP but Hornady does not make them.  

So I use a 265 grain lead bullet with a gas check and Lee is correct, they are not the most pleasant things to shoot out of a contender. 

For light loads I have been using a 375 round ball and 9 grains of Unique, so I will try that for a start load 

@mouldknocker.   That is great information.  I may try it in a .36 cap and ball - - if I can get caps.   and I would have to use a softer alloy I think.   Pure lead for the cap and ball - - but I was going to try my 93/4/3 alloy that I use for 22 hornet bullets .  It does not have a gas check so I am thinking something around a 14 BHN will work.   


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Mouldknocker posted this 18 March 2022

Yes, definitely pure for the C & B Revolver.

I cast the smokeless loads out of 30:1 and sized accordingly for the guys. Note I have 2 of these moulds, One is a 4 cav. Lyman casting @ .375 with PB. The other is a DC Lyman and casts .3795 roughly with PB.  The latter is okay for the Piettas and such.

If it is ab Old Lyman (Pre plastic box) be sure and cast some PB's first and mic them, especially the base band as this tends to be a bit smaller for easier cylinder seating.


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paullacy posted this 27 March 2022

Hi Jeff, 

There is a 375 83 and a 375 83 S  They are the same except  the 83 s has a beveled base to help load it in the cylinder.  The 83 is a short range bullet for the 38-55 but I think it will work fine in a 375 Winchester. 

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