H&I Die Modification

  • Last Post 15 September 2023
Lee Guthrie posted this 14 September 2023

Is anyone doing H&I die modifications these days? 

I need to open up a .454 to both a .455 and .456.   The factory sizes skip from .454 to .457, which in true Goldilocks fashion are either too small or too big.  I have a 255 gr hollow base .455 Eley mould (throws .4575 with an alloy of 49% COWW, 49% lead, and 2% tin) so I can feed a Mark VI Webley, Colt New Service, and a S&W.  Yes, I know that the hollow base should expand so that the bullets don't rattle down the cylinder into the forcing cone and through the bore, BUT it would be nice if they fit the cylinder throats to begin with .......  To make matters worse I intend to experiment with both conventional lubing using LBT blue and with alox tumble lube, plus try powder coating on some (no, not PC and conventional together). laughing

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Duane Mellenbruch posted this 14 September 2023

Not exactly what you are seeking, but perhaps lube with the conventional .457" die and then size down with an easy to modify Lee push through die to the size you actually want.

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Lee Guthrie posted this 14 September 2023

Thanks, I considered that (have a .457 for my RCBS and have push through dies), but that's just one more step that I was hoping to eliminate.

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 14 September 2023

has anybody tried enlarging one of these dies by

" torching it red " and air cool the die to anneal it so that you could

cut it easily in a lathe ...  

and then re-hardened it ??


or just use a tool post grinder ... 


would be tempting to put some taper in it while cutting/grinding it ... leave the base fat ...   what fun is a simple life ?? ...


 edit;  i don't use these so maybe they are not rock hard in the first place ... maybe just use a carbide boring bar in a 4-jaw in the first place ?? ... just curious ... test with a file if you are also curious ...

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Aaron posted this 14 September 2023

I am not an artist.


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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admiral posted this 14 September 2023

has anybody tried enlarging one of these dies by

" torching it red " and air cool the die to anneal it so that you could

cut it easily in a lathe ...  

and then re-hardened it ??


or just use a tool post grinder ... 


would be tempting to put some taper in it while cutting/grinding it ... leave the base fat ...   what fun is a simple life ?? ...


 edit;  i don't use these so maybe they are not rock hard in the first place ... maybe just use a carbide boring bar in a 4-jaw in the first place ?? ... just curious ... test with a file if you are also curious


H&I dies are not really hard. They cut/drill/hone easily.

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  • RicinYakima
Fiddler posted this 15 September 2023

I've open up a couple lyman's with a bullet and abrasive compound. Smear the compound on flat steel surface and roll the bullets using another flat steel bar. Run the bullets thru the sizer several times a little deeper that you normally would. Check the dia. using as cast bullets frequently. It may take a couple or more bullets to get the dia. you want. I don't recall the grit, maybe 800 to start. Probably should clean the the die real well before running shooting grade bullets. 

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  • John F.
gnoahhh posted this 15 September 2023

Here's where having a lathe pays dividends. I've opened up a bunch of bullet sizing dies lickity split in a lathe. Spending a couple bucks for a correct diameter chucking reamer is worth it for a precision job.

Maybe I'm unlucky but most if not all that I've encountered have been harder than sin and annealing with a torch, while not a perfect solution, makes the job a lot easier. Afterward I never re-heat treat them, they don't need to be hard IMO. In fact, I routinely make my own push through dies out of soft steel 7/8-14 all-thread and don't ever worry about the softness of the steel. It's still way harder than the lead bullet and I doubt I'll ever push enough 10's of thousands of bullets through them to enlarger the holes.

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Lee Guthrie posted this 15 September 2023

Thanks.  That was my "last resort" plan if no one is providing an enlargement service.  

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