converting lead/ tin mixtures to bhn

  • Last Post 23 September 2023
beagle6 posted this 08 September 2023

I read somewhere that all Winchester black powder bullets were 20 to 1. I have had luck with 30 to 1 in my Trapdoor, Jeff in NZ has mentioned using 40 to 1 in some of his efforts. Is there any way to convert these mixtures to BHN? I have lots of WW but not as much lead as before.

Thanks in advance

beagle 6

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Duane Mellenbruch posted this 08 September 2023

Try this link.  It is for the Carnagia/Cabintree hardness tester chart. Shows their readings and Saeco test unit readings.

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Aaron posted this 08 September 2023


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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  • Bill2728
beagle6 posted this 10 September 2023

Thanks Duane and Aaron for trying to help, but for some  reason I am not able to access  either of these sites


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beagle6 posted this 23 September 2023

I found the answer to my question in Joe Brennan's CAST BULLETS FOR BEGINER AND EXPERT. 

Pure Lead BHN 5


40-1 BHN8

30-1 BHN 8.5

20-1 BHN 10

10-1 BHN 11.5

Lyman # 2 BHN 15

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lotech posted this 23 September 2023

Also for comparison, app. BHNs are listed on RotoMetals website under the different alloy mixes. 

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