Can I make a cast bullet fatter my adding extra layers of powder coat?

  • Last Post 08 August 2022
Barn-Dweller posted this 26 July 2022

I have a new CMMG Banshee in 45 ACP. I tried some of my normal loads for it (been shooting in my 1911's for years) and it leaded the barrel. They are sized at .452. I slugged the barrel and found it to be .452  I tried casting a few 200 grain bullets and sized them to .453 and they shoot just fine with no loading. 


Question is I have a bunch of 230 grain bullets I casted and coated then sized to .452  Can I put another coat of powder coat on them and then size them to .453? Will the powder coat handle the head and pressure and not let the hot gasses leak and then cause leading? I could just recast them and I will if I have to but I am lazy. 

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Spindrift posted this 26 July 2022

Those .452- bullets that caused the leading; were they coated as well? If they were lubed bullets, it’s entirely possible that coated .452 will work well.


To answer your question: you can add a second layer of powder coat and resize, no problem.

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Eutectic posted this 26 July 2022

You might try a polyethylene plastic disk under the bullet. It is easy to make a few using a fired, sharpened 45 ACP case. Butter tub tops or the like work best, plastic milk bottles are thin and may take two. 

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harleyrock posted this 26 July 2022

Those bullets you have that are already coated and sized .452” may not lead the barrel.  Give them a try before you go to all the trouble to add another coat of PC and sizing again.

PC resists fouling in situations where lubed bullets foul.

Lifetime NRA since 1956, NRA Benefactor, USN Member, CBA Member

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Barn-Dweller posted this 26 July 2022

Those .452- bullets that caused the leading; were they coated as well? If they were lubed bullets, it’s entirely possible that coated .452 will work well.


To answer your question: you can add a second layer of powder coat and resize, no problem.


Yes they were powder coated. I was kind of on the fence between .453 and .454  I have both of the NOE sizers so I tried the .453 and shot about 10 rounds and it did lead and was accurate so I am going to stay there at .453  I dont want to go any larger than I need to. I do not know if I have to worry about pressure with a 45 ACP but why push my luck? Its just a fun load for swinging steel at my home range. 


I am tempted to try the .453 in my 1911`s  I do not really want to have separate load for each gun. From what I have read there is a good chance the barrel is just a little over sized. I am glad I figured it out, at 50 yards I was getting "groups" or 8 to 10 inches. I have not cleaned lead our of a barrel in years, I have a Marlin 44 Mag with micro groves. That gun taught me about over sizing bullets. Shoots good now.


Thank You for your input.

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GP Idaho posted this 27 July 2022

First, yes you can add a thousandth or two to the diameter of a PCd bullet by giving them a second coat. It's my opinion that if you're getting leading when firing a .452 PCd  bullet down a .452 bore that something other than sizing is to blame I've sent a lot of PCd bullets down range that were at or slightly under bore diameter without leading the bore.  What's the BHN of your bullets? Have you done a smash test to check for a proper cure?  

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Barn-Dweller posted this 08 August 2022

Well I did it, I recoated them and sized to to .453  loaded them up and they worked just fine with no loading and accuracy was a little better as well. 


Thanks for all the ideas!

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