Lee Wiggins wrote a short post about tumble lubing his bullets. That seems like an alternative lubing method for plain base bullets that are breach-seated.
In the past I have pan lubed all my pbb/bs bullets. It seems to me that the chamber and throat on my 32-40 get gummed up after a few shots and the breach seating becomes more difficult. So I am trying Lee's method of tumble lubing with a pea sized glob of white label lube and 100 bullets. The whole mess is warmed with a heat gun then tumbled in a pie tin. It goes very quickly, unlike pan lubing.
How do you other PBB/BS shooters lube your bullets? I always assumed pan lubing.
I found a new use for ED'S Red... This tumble lubing produces a mixture of lube-lead-aluminum that coats everything including your fingers. It does't wash off. Ed's red works.