Beretta 9mm Model 92

  • Last Post 23 April 2024
Pigslayer posted this 17 February 2024

Quite a few years ago I purchased a Taurus PT92 9mm. Made in Brazil in the old Beretta factory. Basically a copy of the Beretta 92. It was a fine piece, fit my big hands well and deadly accurate. My house was broken into and it was stolen from me along with my deer rifle (Ruger Mod 77 Mark II 7mm mag), a laptop computer and $64.00 in cash. The police knew who did the crime but couldn't prove. But . . . Karma prevails. The thief killed himself on his motorcycle. Anyway, I'm pretty much a wheelgun guy but I did love that PT 92. So being the age I am and the fact that due that there aren't a whole lot of shopping days left until Christmas (tongue in cheek) I decided to spend some of the money I'd saved. With that I purchased a brand new Beretta Model 92 9mm auto. It's a beauty! Now the trick is to find out what diameter and weight lead it likes to digest. The throat may have to be reamed and polished. If so, off the barrel will go to Doug Phillips. . . . And miles to go before I sleep. Heh-heh.

If someone else had of done to me what I did to myself . . . I'd have killed him. Humility is an asset. Heh - heh.

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John Carlson posted this 18 February 2024

Somewhere mid-career the USAF started issuing us the Baretta 92 as our side arm.  Big improvement over the 38 Special.  I totally agree, it's a great pistol.

John Carlson. CBA Director of Military Competition.

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Ed Harris posted this 18 February 2024

The Beretta 92 pistols having hard chrome lined barrels will slug .357 groove, based upon the two examples I have measured.

Older Italian commercial pistols not having the chromed bores commonly slug .358, as both my M1951 and M1934 pistols are.

I have loaded 3.5 grains of Bullseye with H&G No.7, 124-grain conical flat nose for many years with good results.

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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lotech posted this 18 February 2024

I experimented with many cast bullet designs, different diameters, and alloys over many years after I bought a new Beretta in 1988. These guns will feed virtually any bullet configuration without problem. The most accurate bullet I've found to date has been the obsolete Lyman design #358212, a 146-150 grain round nose originally made for the .38 Special. I run these ww alloy bullets through a .359" size die; they come out at about ,3585", perfect for my gun. I use 3 grs Bullseye for a MV of around 875 fps. 

I haven't used jacketed bullets in either factory ammo or handloads in a long time, but as I recall, my cast load is more accurate. Point of impact coincides with point of aim at 25 yards. 

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Pigslayer posted this 06 March 2024

Soooooo . . . I bought a speed/clip loader for my 15 round clips. Made buy "Hilljack". Well . . . It works. About all I can say. It's kind of clumsy. I looked for a better one. Found one made by Maglula. Had real good reviews. So . . . I ordered one.

If someone else had of done to me what I did to myself . . . I'd have killed him. Humility is an asset. Heh - heh.

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Pigslayer posted this 06 March 2024

Oh, by the way. My new Beretta 92X is beautiful!!

If someone else had of done to me what I did to myself . . . I'd have killed him. Humility is an asset. Heh - heh.

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MP1886 posted this 06 March 2024

The Beretta 92 pistols having hard chrome lined barrels will slug .357 groove, based upon the two examples I have measured. Older Italian commercial pistols not having the chromed bores commonly slug .358, as both my M1951 and M1934 pistols are. I have loaded 3.5 grains of Bullseye with H&G No.7, 124-grain conical flat nose for many years with good results.
Ed I have two Beretta 92's that are Italian police trade ins. They have the bottom heel magazine release.  I slugged them both and they are dead nuts .356.  

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pat i posted this 06 March 2024

I have a Maglula loader and the thing works great.

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Aaron posted this 06 March 2024

My M92SB, bought back prior to the military testing and adoption of the pistol, and made in Italy, is THE smoothest pistol I have ever owned. It runs like a well oiled sewing machine and will digest almost anything you feed it. Of course I only give it Organic Ammunition.

The newer M92s, especially the ones made here in 'Merika, do sound a tad gritty when manually manipulated. It may be a biased ear, but I swear they don't sound as slick as that M92SB from Italy.

The M92 is a wonderful pistol. One of my favorites!



With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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Ed Harris posted this 06 March 2024

Do yours have chromed bores or not?

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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MP1886 posted this 06 March 2024

Do yours have chromed bores or not?

I'm not sure as the Italian police trade ins are suppose to be chromed with a slight ring of chrome showing at the muzzle.  I'm not seeing that on either. I suspect too that mine are newer then the ones you spoke of. 

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Sevenfan posted this 10 March 2024

I have a Maglula loader and the thing works great.

I agree. Without it I couldn't get the last one or two in my Sig 365 mags.

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Pigslayer posted this 23 March 2024

I have a Maglula loader and the thing works great.

I agree. Without it I couldn't get the last one or two in my Sig 365 mags.

I bought two 15 rnd mags for my new Beretta 92X. I have large and very strong hands. I couldn't get more than six rounds in them without a loader. Whew!

If someone else had of done to me what I did to myself . . . I'd have killed him. Humility is an asset. Heh - heh.

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Ed Harris posted this 23 March 2024

My pistol came packaged with the Beretta mag loader, which works fine. Without it I could not get more than 13 rounds in the 17-round mags.

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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Aaron posted this 23 March 2024

My pistol came packaged with the Beretta mag loader, which works fine. Without it I could not get more than 13 rounds in the 17-round mags.

Thank God for the UpLULA loaders for the high capacity pistol magazines! Nice to hear that Beretta is providing their own with their pistol.


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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max503 posted this 30 March 2024

The Taurus Pt 92 was my very first 9mm bought only about 4 years ago.  I really like it.  It shoots everything well.  I bet the Beretta is nice.

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 31 March 2024

Beretta 92 ... I have an    S    model, new in 1984 ... except for the invisible sights I love it ...

... and it has only jammed ONE SHOT.. and that is when I loaned it to a friend to show him how reliable it was ... 

.... and that was with Hornady $3 a round premium factory ammo, ... figures .... 


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Pigslayer posted this 31 March 2024


     I had bought my Taurus PT92 back in 2000. I found it to be deadly accurate. I was livid when my house was broken into and it was stolen. It was a nice piece. Thought about buying another but  Taurus has had a number of law suits filed against them for malfunctions with their autos. So I found my nice Beretta 92X.

If someone else had of done to me what I did to myself . . . I'd have killed him. Humility is an asset. Heh - heh.

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BRatigan posted this 18 April 2024

I have an M9A4 and it is amazing. Very accurate and gobbles up any ammo I feed it. I am currently using the Lee Tumble lube truncated cone 124 grain mold and it drops bullets at .359-360 and they are as accurate as any bullet I use, no sizing is needed, just Xlox lube and off to the races I go. I powder coat them and also use the Lee traditional lube 120 grain truncated cone bullet and it sizes at .357 and also shoots lights out ragged holes at 15 yards with a two-hand hold. The Berettas are excellent guns.

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max503 posted this 22 April 2024


     I had bought my Taurus PT92 back in 2000. I found it to be deadly accurate. I was livid when my house was broken into and it was stolen. It was a nice piece. Thought about buying another but  Taurus has had a number of law suits filed against them for malfunctions with their autos. So I found my nice Beretta 92X.


I've never had a gun with a de-cocker before, so I had to play with it.  After repeatedly cycling it, the safely slips off with very little effort.  Guess I could probably take it apart and find the worn part and get a new one from Numrich.  Just wondering, off hand, if anyone is familiar with doing an operation like this on the Taurus.

Could this be what one of those law suits are about?  

This is the first I've heard of those law suits.  Did a quick search but didn't see the PT 92 mentioned.  Mine, for sure, is not safe with the safety on.  Really don't look forward to sending it back.  I'd rather do it myself.

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Tom Acheson posted this 23 April 2024

I can recall some of my early 1980's trips to Wyoming for deer hunting. One of the guys I went with was local police officer. His department had just been converted from S&W Model 19's to the Model 39, 9mm semi-auto. The Bullseye target pistol, the Model 52, was intriduced in 1961 and was a spin off from the Model 39, introduced in 1955. He brought a lot of "department ammo" with on our trips, with instructions from home to shoot it anfpd get used to the gun. Those in our party helped him "consume" some of the ammo!

Fast forward to today....look at the consumer market now, the number of different manufactirer's and models being provided, so many in 9mm! I didn't keep up. I stayed stuck in the wheelgun world. Although my permit to carry gun is a Springfield chambered in 45 ACP. I do own one 9mm. My father in law gave it to me. He was wounded in WWII on the opening day of the Battle of the Bulge 16 Dec. 1944. He brought a Walther P-38 back with him. I don't even have any 9mm ammo.

I just related this to point out that not everyone is in love with 9mm.....just me I guess.


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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 23 April 2024

couple things on the 92 types...

1)  on my beretta 92s my curiosity cat took the safety stuff apart ...  20 years ago ... that cat is still looking for the original spring and ... i think ... pin ...  i would guess the Taurus is about the same mechanism ...  might try disassembly in a plastic bag next time ...

2)  if I am carrying in an Enhanced Probability zone, I carry the 92S off safety ... the first ... double action ... pull is about the same as my Ruger Security Six double action, so is comparably  safe.  this gun is 40 years old and I still hate that upside down safety ...

3) .. ( bonus ) ...  if like me ... hands old and feeble through honest and maybe some suspect toil ... ...  an exposed hammer gun is about twice as easy to rack if you manually cock the hammer first ... especially easy with the delayed unlocking types such as these 92 and almost a necessity for me with my military Makarov ...  yes, i get some funny looks from younger bucks ...


i notice that 90 per cent of movie guns are Beretta 92 ... sexy sexy ... I wonder if the all movie guys only have one M92 between them and just cant wear it out ?? 


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Pigslayer posted this 23 April 2024

Tom, You may try to find the missing part(s) at Brownells. Happy hunting. -Pat

If someone else had of done to me what I did to myself . . . I'd have killed him. Humility is an asset. Heh - heh.

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