Alloy mixture

  • Last Post 08 April 2023
  • Topic Is Solved
2frogs posted this 01 April 2023

I have pure lead and linotype. I want a mix of about 8 t 10 bhn hardness. Any suggestions for a 5 lb pot.. thank you..this will be gas check and low node shooting. And I am hoping the bore rider bullet will have a smaller diameter nose. Oh I also have some pewter but no tin..

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Duane Mellenbruch posted this 01 April 2023

 If you have pure lead it has a hardness of 5 BHN so three pounds of pure lead and one pound of Linotype will give you four pounds of about 9.25 BHN.  If your "pure" lead is from roof flashing, lead pipes, etc, then the BHN might be as high as 8 BHN and you need to run the numbers again.  Depending upon the starting alloy, you may not see much reduction in diameter.

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2frogs posted this 01 April 2023

My lead pipe is very soft. So soft my lee doesn't get a reading

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2frogs posted this 08 April 2023


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Eutectic posted this 08 April 2023

The problem with pewter is indeterminate composition. Usually consisting of tin (85–99%), antimony (approximately 5–10%), copper (2%), bismuth, and sometimes silver. Older pewter (and some pewter from Mexico and other countries contains lead). Lead based pewter should NEVER be used with food.

The copper can cause casting problems. You can remove it (along with an equal quantity of antimony) using Dennis Marshals method in the Lyman Handbook of Cast Bullets. This involves melting the pewter alone, the product will be mostly tin and useful for bullet alloys.

I use Duane's mix of 1 part lino to 3 parts lead for a BHN ~10 alloy. For regular pistol and light rifle and find it works excellently. 


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