I have a bottle of Rooster Jacket I bought probably 6+ years ago. Today I opened it and it is beginning to dry up. Looking for what to use to rehydrate it to original consistency. Any info will be appreciated. m
Rooster Jacket
- Last Post 17 June 2014
If it will pour I would try hot water. If it will not pour I would put the bottle in hot water from the tap and see if it loosens up. Next if that was ineffectual I would add a little bit of hot water to the bottle and stir it with a coat hanger or some such nonsense. If I were to try a solvent it would be alcohol but I doubt if it will be needed. I thin mine with water to make it go farther. I get less sticking to the bowl or wax paper as the case may be.
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hear it like honey in a double broiler or add hot water to it????
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Yes, treat it something like sugared up honey. Watch that you don't melt the bottle.
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Well I got curious and looked for a MSDS and patent, no luck for either in about a half hour. I did find several references that indicated that it was waterproof so I would not try water to thin it. R D
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I thin my RJ with water or beer.
Place about 250 38's in a tumbler container. Dribble a 75%/25% RJ/H2O mixture over pile.
Allow to tumble for 5 minutes just fast enough to ensure they are rolling around well.
Pour out on wax paper covered cookie sheet and separate.
8-10 hours later you are ready to reload.
I started using beer as a substitute when the dog drank up all my water I had for the purpose. Too lazy to get more, I substituted.
Since then I calculated in the cost of beer for this purpose and it drives the cost of a box of .38's through the roof. NO, MORE!!!!!!!! :wow:
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I have been using Rooster Jacket for years ever since it came out and I always thin with cold water right out of the faucette. Great stuff !! for .45 and .38 DEWC Mayhaw3
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I use distilled water, heated just short of boiling. Wonderful stuff!
73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
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midway actually has some in stock and it has to either be new stock or a special run ( or they found a few cases in a whare house )
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Don't quote me on this but I think its back in production,someone picked up the ball. For the life of me it looks like the old commercial floor wax we used at the fire house. Frank C.
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Buffalo Arms also has it in stock ... https://www.buffaloarms.com/Detail.aspx?PROD=163345
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See Anchor Seal for similar/same stuff--emulsified wax coating
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