About 10 years ago I purchased an electronic powder scale and dispenser. I have used this pair for several years with no problems. Several weeks ago I moved these items to my detached garage.
Our weather has turned quite chilly. I didn't think that the coolness would affect the scale and dispenser much. Today I was watching my son load some 30-30 Win. and he was using the electronic scale and dispenser. The son was using a load of 26.5 gr AA2015. On the low end of suggested loads.
The dispenser was set up correctly and operated properly. The dispenser dropped a case full of powder. That didn't seem right to me so we checked the amount the dispenser was dropping against an old Redding scale. The amount the electronic scale was dispensing was 15.7 grains heavier than the maximum listed load.
All loads are being pulled and re cycled. I will not trust the electronic scale without checking it against a trusted mechanical scale again, ever.