Favorite Trail Boss loads?

  • Last Post 04 March 2015
tturner53 posted this 10 March 2012

I went hog wild today and bought 5 lbs. of Trail Boss. All because I want a wadcutter load for a .444 H&R. So what to do with the rest? It says on the jug 'especially real good for lead bullets and such'. So how about sharing your Trail Boss recipes? Handgun, rifle, you name it.

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Michael K posted this 17 March 2012

Hi Tim, Hope you have been well. My TB experince is minimal, though I have shot it in my 45-70 Shiloh using 12gr behind a 405gr hard cast, flat nose, bevel base. The bullet only had one lube groove and with my barrel at 30", I gave them a tumble with LLA to add a little more lube. 12grs yeilded a MV of 992fps and a 23fps spread, printing a 100yd 5 shot group just under 2". A softer alloy, in a plain base, or a GC would likely do better, but what can I say the slugs were free. The load is very mild compared to the usually diet of 72grs 2f and a 530gr Saeco 745. All the best Michael.

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.22-10-45 posted this 17 March 2012

Hello,tturner53. Away from notes..but I have had good results in a 6mm Lee-Navy rifle, .32WCF., .38 spec., .45 schofield. This year, I will be trying in .38-55 & .450/.400 3” N.E.

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6pt-sika posted this 17 March 2012

I've been using Trailboss now for a couple weeks in 223 and 308 subsonic loads with what seems to be pretty decent success .

In the 223 with the 60 grain Hornady V Max I'm using 4.5 grains .

In the 308 with a 220 grain Sierra RN I am using 13.5 grains .


Both those loads are subsonic according to my Chrony and with a silencer on each they make barely a pop .


I'm about to delve into subsonic loads in the 44 MAG , 444 and 45-70 using Trailboss or whatever it takes to get them in the 1025 FPS range .

Wanna use a 300 grain cast in the 44 MAG I expect I'll need to go to H110 for that one . Wanna use a 350 grain cast bullet in the 444 and TB should handle that . In the 45-70 it is looking like a 425 grain cast bullet and I believe I can get about 1000 FPS with TB and a bullet that weight .

If I have any kind of success with the 3 I will certainly let you know what I find out .

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6pt-sika posted this 17 March 2012

Black and Blue wrote:  My TB experince is minimal, though I have shot it in my 45-70 Shiloh using 12gr behind a 405gr hard cast, flat nose, bevel base. The bullet only had one lube groove and with my barrel at 30", I gave them a tumble with LLA to add a little more lube. 12grs yeilded a MV of 992fps and a 23fps spread, printing a 100yd 5 shot group just under 2".



Can you give me any idea as to how loud the report was without ear protection ?

My whole thing in using this stuff is to get sub sonic which you already have and I don't wanna put a silencer on any of my lever rifles like we've done on the 3 bolt actions we're making subsonic .


The first time I tried subsonic in the Savage 308 I'm messing with I didn't have the adapter for the silencer yet . So I shot it unsupressed . With a load of 12 grains TB with a 200 Accubond it clocked about 950 FPS and sounded to me about like a standard velocity 22LR round .

Would you say your Sharps was about like that with the load you shot using TB ?

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dnotarianni posted this 13 April 2012

You can use trail boss in just about anything. Just figure your case capacity with the bullet in place than load to 80-100% full with out compressing the charge. I use it in 500 mag at 100% full with a cast 630 gr bullet dave

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Michael K posted this 16 April 2012

Hi 6pt, Sorry about replying so late. It was very mild, similar to what you discribed, maybe somewhere between a BP load and 22lr. This was w/ muffs on. Being on a public range, rules required ears on when shooting. But a pussy cat of a load in the 45-70.

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linoww posted this 16 April 2012

7.62 x 54

14.0g with 180-200g GC (some times MOA in a scoped Russian 91-30)

11.0g with 160-190g Plainbase (about 1.25-1.75” in same gun as above)

I use pistol primers also


"if it was easy we'd let women do it" don't tell my wife I said that!

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rmrix posted this 17 April 2012

Except for the very high pressures it is a good powder.

38-55 1894 Winchester Rifle (26") Winchester cases Old West 265grn PB in Range Scrap any primer 6.8 grains of Trail Boss

900 fps and 1” at 50yards

Michael Rix   :thumbsup:

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2frogs posted this 18 April 2012

where do you find load data for that trail boss powder? I got some 500 grain boolits and a can of trail boss would like to try it as well

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TonyT posted this 06 June 2012

38 Special -158 gr. LRN -2.8 gr. TB, FSP - nice mild but still knocks down the steel poppers. 44 Special - 245 gr. LSWC, - 4.2 gr. TB WLP A fellow shooter uses the following for steel challenge out of his old Colt Gold Cup NM in 45ACP: 45ACP - 230 gr. LRN - 3.5 gr. TB, WLP - one can almost see the bullet going downrange.

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tturner53 posted this 13 December 2013

I took another run at the H&R .444 Marlin this week. Best accuracy was with the Ranch Dog CTL .431-265 RF. These are from the original Ranch Dog (by Lee) two cavity mold which launched Ranch Dog to fame and fortune. Mine weigh 270 gr. ready to load with gc and home made lube. A near max charge of TrailBoss pushed them to 1550 fps, est. I was amazed at how well this combo shot. The last 5 shot group went 1.3” with four inside .8". This was typical with this load. My H&R .444 wears an old steel tube El Paso Weaver K6-1. Soon I'll be trying out more TrailBoss in the 45-70 barrel for this same gun.

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Antoua B posted this 01 March 2015

I would love to see what Ed Harris would say about Trail Boss powder. With so many reports about TB on the internet I was wondering would it be better, equal or worse than Ed's “The Load” which uses 13 gr of Red Dot. For “the load” to work you must use Red Dot, which is impossible to find anywhere in Canada, so I was lucky to purchase last two jars of Trail Boss which I haven't used yet as I am still looking for more info and if possible, to make a similar load to Ed's The Load. Thanks in advance for any input on using this powder in 30-06 Remington 783 which has never fired a shot yet. Was thinking to start breaking it in on reduced loads and maybe after couple thousands of shots give it a full load once in a while. Cheers.

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gpidaho posted this 01 March 2015

Tim: If you shoot a 44-40 give 5.5gr. TB under a 205gr COWW FP bullet a go, works good for me. GP

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Goatwhiskers posted this 04 March 2015

2frogs, directions per manufacturer: Determine where the base of the bullet is at your seating depth, mark the case. Fill w/TB to that line, weigh the charge, this is your MAX load. 70% of that weight is your minimum load. Also, NEVER compress the load, strange unwanted things happen. What many don't grasp is that TB is a very fast burning yet bulky powder. GW

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onondaga posted this 04 March 2015

http://www.castbulletassoc.org/view_user.php?id=1274>2frogs  "where do you find load data for that trail boss powder? I got some 500 grain boolits and a can of trail boss would like to try it as well"

You can see the IMR Trail Boss directions here: http://www.imrpowder.com/PDF/Trail-Boss-data.pdf>http://www.imrpowder.com/PDF/Trail-Boss-data.pdf

This info sheet tells how to determine a load when you can't find data for using IMR TrailBoss.

This is also helpful if you are a new user or considering giving  TrailBoss a try: http://www.imrpowder.com/trailboss.html


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