Does anyone load the 300 Savage. I just got a 1941 Savage 99 in 300 savage. I have a lee 180gr mold and a RD 165. Both are gas checked. Any advise or favorite/pet loads are welcome.
Loading the 300 Savage
- Last Post 05 July 2011
Shot a deer last year with mine. Lee 180, 33 gr. 4895. 33 gr 3031 works well also.
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Mr. D, I missed your first post, welcome to the forum. I'm interested in what you come up with as I will soon be helping a friend load cbs in the same gun you have. He bought it on my advice so I must make good. My readings so far have mentioned the short neck as a negative. They are beautiful guns, I'd like to have an old one in .303 Savage.
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I'll post some pics (when it comes in) on the levergun forums.
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For target, plinking, and plates my Savage 99 in .300savage just loves the Lee C309 150F with 15.0 gr. of SR4759 loaded with an OAL of 2.47. It's very accurate at 100 yards and very pleasant to shoot.
Muskrat Mike
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Thanks Mike I've been eye-balling that mold on Midway I think I'll order one up. I also have a Lee 309-113 mold. Is this too lite.
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Additionally, the bullets are sized in a Lee sizer of .309 to seat the gas check and size it and then Tumble lubed. They look funny seated at the 2.47 but they work and are accurate and no leading for me anyway. i hope they work as well for your gun!
Muskrat Mike
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One of my favorite loads in my Sav. 99 in 300 Sav. is converted once fired LC X51 brass to 300 Sav. topped with the Lee .312 155 gr. GC bullet sized to .310 and pushed with 16.0 grs. of Alliant 2400. I also like the Lee 309 150 gr. FN bullet in same case and load.
Both Loads shoot under 1” at 50 yds.
'Artisan' in Lead, Brass & Powder.
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I was talking to someone this weekend at a gun show about forming 300 Savage from 308 Winchester. I have plenty of Savage brass but the knowledge might be handy one day. Anyone here ever done this? What is “x51” was this the experimental loads?
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Sorry X51 is Military surplus Lake City 7.62 x 51 brass I reform into 300 Sav. brass. The brass is much thicker of course than standard 308 brass so case capacity will be lower but the 16.0 grs. of 2400 I use is nowhere near a Max load in the Military case and pressure is not an issue.
'Artisan' in Lead, Brass & Powder.
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Thanks for the load info! I have an 1899 (takedown circa 1926) I need to exercise.
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I have a couple of 300's myself, let me know what you come up with. I haven't got around to reloading mine yet.
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Thanks for the load info! I have an 1899 (takedown circa 1926) I need to exercise.
Thanks, SAV99 for bringing this up to the top - I STILL NEED to do it!
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