50 yard Bunny hunt experiences

  • Last Post 02 June 2019
Scearcy posted this 09 April 2019

Most of the bunny targets are out or in the mail so I thought it was time for a new thread focused on the shooting. 

I'll go first. I am going to shoot off my hind legs this time. Uffda! My skill need some work.

Aren't rabbits supposed to be shot with a shotgun?


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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 09 April 2019

i am hoping some of our pistoleros will join in on the bunny shoot ....  after that teensy nearly invisible 200 yard coyote these 50 yard bunnies should look like billboards ....  maybe even could aim AT them, not 30 inches over them ( g ) ...

surely somebody out these has one of those obsolete re-volverators ?? ....  my grampa told me about them when i wuz a kid ....  


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JeffinNZ posted this 09 April 2019

Jim, to make the target more challenging I intend to shoot standing up in a canoe.

Cheers from New Zealand

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Scearcy posted this 09 April 2019

Now shooting from a canoe when you have to be upside down - THAT will be challenging. I would wear a life jacket.


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jchiggins posted this 09 April 2019

This Bunny shoot is looking interesting.....I can't do worse than the coyote shoot.  Finally received my award from the "Friends of Coyotes Foundation" for my efforts in preserving them during the shoot.

Just wondering.... if the early explorers were primarily from the Southern Hemisphere instead of the North, would our maps be reversed and the South Pole our reference?

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Bohica793 posted this 09 April 2019

surely somebody out these has one of those obsolete re-volverators ?? ....  my grampa told me about them when i wuz a kid ....  

Challenge accepted.  I think I will pull out a couple of old wheel guns for this.  Now where did I put my wadcutter molds?

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Scearcy posted this 09 April 2019

Ahhh - big brass b_____, those! A tip of my cap.

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Johnshandloads posted this 10 April 2019

I will be using a .357 magnum revolver for this, because it seems to give me the best chance of hitting the target. We shall see. I don't normally use 'the load' over about 10 yards....this is going to be fun.

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mashburn posted this 10 April 2019

I've got to get my targets ordered. I have three more friends that will probably be members before long and maybe this rabbit slaughter will be just what they need to push them the rest of the way over the cliff. I've been giving a lot of thought to the fairness of this rabbit shoot. We have more swamp rabbits here than Cottontails,  so I'm used to shooting a lot bigger and much more dangerous rabbit. I feel I should ask the sacred rules committee if it would be acceptable to take a legally bagged swamp rabbit and lay it evenly over the target rabbit and use a magic marker to draw a bigger rabbit around the rabbit target. My friends and I have voted and agreed this would be much more honest that poking pretty little tight bullets holes in the highest scoring area. We had even decided on a contest that would award the contestant who could arrange the most artistic bullet hole group. We have even been sawing out profiles from plywood of beagles running in full chase  behind the rabbit. Now if we can't shoot bigger rabbits, but we are running them in full pursuit with beagles can we at least use shotguns?  I bet I used the word rabbit in that statement as Much as Obama uses I when he's speaking. These friends are going to be using my rifles and to save cost on ammo, I'm thinking of putting bullets with only one side in their cartridges. HOW ABOUT US ALL GO OUT AND HAVE SOME FUN. ONE THING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT OUR GROUP IS THAT WE NEVER EXAGERATE THE TRUTH.


David a. Cogburn

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jeff houck posted this 10 April 2019

beware lest ye provoke the WERERABITS!

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barra posted this 10 April 2019

I’m having trouble printing the target out.

it’s about 1/4 size.

If I can see it that far I promise to keep shooting till I have hit the target 10 times or run out of ammo or daylight hrs.

 I might start with vigour standing up but probably proceed at some point to lying down.

 I have enlisted SHMBO on the printing it for me.

Hmmm a Target twice the size then i’d have to half the distance to make up for it.

That sounds about right 2x something / 2 = 1 134






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Bohica793 posted this 10 April 2019

Hmmm a Target twice the size then i’d have to half the distance to make up for it.

That sounds about right 2x something / 2 = 1 134

  Why stop at twice the size?  Office Depot can blow it up to poster size or larger.



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Scearcy posted this 10 April 2019


Good looking bullets!

The sacred rules committee met in their normally scheduled midnight meeting  - fueled by Jamison. They are willing to make one time only rules for swamp rabbits.  Rather than tracing them we suggest that you simply shoot each one 10 times and send them in, whole, to Ken to be scored. 

I think the issue may be talking Ken into scoring them. Or you could self score them and then hold a big post hunt rabbit cookout. You must shoot each one 10 times though. Please post pictures here.


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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 10 April 2019

ok guys ... if you keep this up we will forget the much more serious side of these bunny shoots.


hmmm .. ok, somebody please remind me about the much more serious side of these bunny shoots ...  next time i will write that down ...


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Bohica793 posted this 10 April 2019

ok guys ... if you keep this up we will forget the much more serious side of these bunny shoots.


hmmm .. ok, somebody please remind me about the much more serious side of these bunny shoots ...  next time i will write that down ...

Serious?!?!  Seriously you can't be serious, can you?

(All seriousness aside.....)


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Notlwonk posted this 10 April 2019

1) I made a set of tall cross sticks the other day and tried them out this morning.  

2) Got some 50 yd zeros for the Ballard and Trap Door this morning.

1+2 equals...them bunnies ain't got a chance. 

I'll get zeros for the Tip- up soon and probably make a short set of sticks in the near future, what difference they make!

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jeff houck posted this 10 April 2019

"1+2 equals...them bunnies ain't got a chance."

they do if I'm shooting at them..............................tongue-out



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Scearcy posted this 10 April 2019

I think those African PH are on to something with the tall bipods.


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Redleged posted this 10 April 2019

i am hoping some of our pistoleros will join in on the bunny shoot ....  after that teensy nearly invisible 200 yard coyote these 50 yard bunnies should look like billboards ....  maybe even could aim AT them, not 30 inches over them ( g ) ...

surely somebody out these has one of those obsolete re-volverators ?? ....  my grampa told me about them when i wuz a kid ....  



I accept your pistolero challenge! I've got six targets and I commit to shooting three of them offhand unsupported with pistols, two of them being re-volverators:

  • Magnum Research BFR in .45-70
  • Ruger Blackhawk in .45 Colt
  • T/C Contender G2 in 30 Herrett

In my youth, we used to hunt cotton bunnies and Jacks in Arizona with 1911s and I never had the opportunity to shoot in any position but offhand, so I'm hoping all these years won't be too cruel to me. Ed

Growing old is mandatory, growing up, however, is totally optional!

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JeffinNZ posted this 10 April 2019

My concern is the targets multiplying. Of the 5 rabbits stolen last week 95 have been return!

Cheers from New Zealand

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 11 April 2019

redleged ... if you shoot those handguns sitting with a scope, remember to stick the muzzle out further than your knees ... 

hey, a few years ago i had a friend try to shoot a critter from my speeding pickem-up truck with his pistol ...    ...  not outta an open sidewindow, but through the windshield ...   



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John Alexander posted this 11 April 2019

hey, a few years ago i had a friend try to shoot a critter from my speeding pickem-up truck with his pistol ...    ...  not outta an open sidewindow, but through the windshield ...   



Sounds like time for a new friend.


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jeff houck posted this 11 April 2019

"hey, a few years ago i had a friend try to shoot a critter from my speeding pickem-up truck with his pistol ...    ...  not outta an open sidewindow, but through the windshield ..."

was it by unfortunate chance, your WIFE'S car?

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Ross Smith posted this 14 April 2019

Mr.Seerce: These must be roadkill rabbits for 6 of them to fit in that flat envelope. I was expecting a box. Jeff shouldn't worry about reproducing if his were as flat as mine.

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 14 April 2019

reproducing a rabbitt critter ?  heck, anytime you have two rabbitts just wait a bit ...


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barra posted this 14 April 2019

It was blowing and gusting and some times raining.

but I shot one rabbit with 5 standing post in...I mean at the head and another 5 standing at the body

couldn’t see no dang bullet holes till I missed one.

the ol 310 cadet was a bit slow today with a load at about 680 fps heeled 120 grn bullet. 

My wabbit load I figure to that range.

Now me leg was a bit wobbly and me good one didin’t Help much.

but proves even with enough luck I would have had a feed of these short eared rabbits.

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barra posted this 14 April 2019

Target 2 I thought i’d Give myself som chance and fired 5 from a sitting position.Not as comfortable as I remember got twisted up a bit.

Bugger that shot the last 5 kneeling with post support.

still can’t see where I was shooting.


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barra posted this 14 April 2019

Gave up and shot last rabbit with standing pot shooting some at head rest at body.

may do better next time.ha Still not too bad for me but not good as I was 35 years ago!

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Scearcy posted this 14 April 2019


you are cheating yourself! I get 71 on target #1. 1-10, 2-9, 4-7, and 3-5. Check my math but I believe that is 71.


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Scearcy posted this 14 April 2019


You are much too hard on yourself. #2 looks like 82 and #3 is 54. If a shot touches the line, its gets the higher score. The shot in the chin on #2 I believe is above the break between the neck and the chin. Hence it is a 7 not a 5.

Good shooting


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barra posted this 14 April 2019

Photo of the ‘ol girl. 

310 bsa martini cadet.

Commissioned in 5-11 

My suffish ‘to me cated reloading gear.

The secret recipe is 1.5 grns bullseye with a SMALL tuft of Dacron just on the powder.

 I have a RCBS heeled 120 grn mould that casts 0.324" and 0.310" heel.

I’m trying to polish it out to 325 and 312.

This hell bent load tears up the country side at about 681fps is good for 50 -60 yards but accurate up to 135 yds if I hold my tongue right.

 Cases are made from 32-20 Starline brass with a thinned rim and reformed in a cut off modified old 310 chamber.

Trimmed to my chambers length to seat my cast bullet into the lands for fixed ammo or use the shorter lengthed ones of normal spec for breach seating Pb or pp’ed bullets. I have plenty of short ones undecided

Small rifle primer. In this case cci. I got some mixed brands of primers "cheap" years ago and using them up. Some don’t even fire but most go bang. Some were even too small to seat in a primer pocket without falling out.

Quiet and dosn’t  hurt the shoulder or ears.

Think it is a good rook and wabbit load thou.



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beltfed posted this 15 April 2019


Now you did it !!! Am I going to have to shoot at a bunny with my 357 mag Cadet....?


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barra posted this 20 April 2019


Now you did it !!! Am I going to have to shoot at a bunny with my 357 mag Cadet....?


Better had now beltfed.

 I only joined here ‘cos of what I’ve read about "bunny guns "in the Plinkers hollow.

I’m hoping to see how they fare.

 I ‘m sure. I left plenty of room for improvement.

 Pssst (I thought I’d try stabbing one target with a pen but missed the ten ring a couple of times.  Another attempt showed up powder and lube splutter.  I have given up that but have to print  a few more  up before I can shoot again)

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barra posted this 20 April 2019

I shot 3 more targets today to wind up.

Thought I had it made and nearly cheating.

These were shot at 50 yards sitting over a log with a cloth under my forearm.

30 30 H&R with a 1.5 - 5x Leupold scope.

What could go wrong!!! big_grin

Bs pb 308403 clone with 4.6 grns bullseye.


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barra posted this 20 April 2019

Try out a few paper patched bullets I think there in the rules 

bullet 308466 150 grn at aprox 1600 fps with paper saturated with 50/50 be/vas.

experimental with lube. Re sighted from pb load and let it rip.

Well not so good as I thought I should do.

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barra posted this 20 April 2019

Next some real loads aprox 1900 fps pped 308466 with notepad paper dipped lubed in 50/50 bw/vas sized 0.311"

only had 10 rounds for experimental grouping and I over compensated for he increase in velocity and then wound it up maybe a couple too many clicks.

But they shot nice and the wrap seemed to come off the core better at this pressure.

So what could go wrong? Me of course. All off shots were my own doing.big_grin

good fun thou anyway.

Hope to see what the U.S. team come up with

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Scearcy posted this 20 April 2019


Your tech sheets showed that you used adi 2205 and adi 2208 as your powders. Do you know which U.S. powders would be about equivalent to these?

It looks as though the adi 2208 load would serve very nicely all of the way out to 200 yards.

I like your bullseye load. How heavy is the 308466? I am thinking seriously of stealing this load for my 30-30.


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barra posted this 20 April 2019

Adi 2205 is like h4227

Adi 2208 is varget 

308466 is a Lyman 150 grn rn gc loverin bullet.

All the grooves make it easy to wrap and size.

But most 150-170 grn bullets will work  if I can keep the base in the neck and if the nose is big enough.

I have preferred Adi 2206h (H4895)for full blast loads (2100 fps)as it burns fully in my gun.

I don’t load hot thou. 

Some of my powders are old as in tins and not plastic.(read bought cheap to burn up)


After 5000+ loads of pp’ed bullets through this gun I’m beginning to understand what me at it likes.

I don’t size or clean my brass and the pp is a snug fit in the neck after wrapping.

I can get a comfortable easy 1 1/2" or so groups at 100 yards without much effort.

Good enough for real hunting work

 My gun is single shot an more of a bits ‘n pieces gun.



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barra posted this 20 April 2019

The bullseye load is the 308403 clone of the Pope tapered shuetzen bullet at 172 grns.

Just sits in the end of the unsized case neck.If you trim them right.

The fp should work well on selected food items and It shoots to 300 m (328 yards) quite well with enough hold over.

Man do they drop after that !!!

It can stack ‘Em at 50 yards and keep an inch at 100 when i’m Up to it.

A bigger scope may help here thou.

For things that may try and eat you ,a quick second shot may not be so quick.

But still quicker than a muzzle loader. big_grin


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beagle6 posted this 21 April 2019

You guys better be carefull, they are known to charge when wounded.

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tlkeizer posted this 22 April 2019


That is right, beagle6.  Especially if you are in a rowboat.  If people don't believe, just ask former President Jimmy Carter about the swamp bunny that took him on while he was President.


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Brodie posted this 22 April 2019

Nobody on the protection team had a hunting license, and they couldn't do a thing about it.


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barra posted this 22 April 2019

O.k for you to say that they might charge when wounded but I have never been in threat of one yet.

I’ll admit to shooting a duck once in self defence.

It was looking Mean at me and I feared for my life.

 I had to devour the mortal remains my exposing it to a heat source for a while just to make sure I was safe from it.

 I count myself lucky.


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tlkeizer posted this 22 April 2019


Another bunny shot at.  I loaded some cast without gas checks, but they need a lot of work for accuracy.  They had a hard time keeping on a sheet of typing paper at 25 yards.  Same load but with gas checks gave a 5-shot group of less than an inch, 4 in one hole, so shot this standing while leaning on a post, with the gas checks.  Going to change a few things and try again, but the next bunny will be with the .45 Kentucky.  Thought this would be shot with plain bullets, but I was mistaken.  I may have to buy another mold.  I re-used my first bunny target, and put a black backing on the target and clear tape on the front.  One of the shots came real close to being a 7, but I could see the line edge clearly for a 5.  7 rounds were fired at the chest, 3 were fired at the head.  I need to do a lot of practicing off-hand.   Still, I scored better off-hand than sitting.  This is 4X5=20, 2X7=14, 4X9=36.  Total = 70.



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Bohica793 posted this 23 April 2019

After seeing these targets, I am not sure I even want to attempt to shoot mine.  You guys are too good.....

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barra posted this 24 April 2019

Bohica 793.

 I didn’t get any Easter eggs or things this year; so I figure the smarter crowd have been holding back to get full benefit  of the seasonal thing before offending any gods or deity’s.

Maybe  JeffinNZ is having trouble hauling  those monster swamp bunnies to a fence to hang up or even in fact keeping the fence standing with all that weight too even get a photo.

I’m eager to see what the "ragged one hole group" people come up with.

 I got a feed but left a few breaders go like a true sportsman.

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Bohica793 posted this 24 April 2019

Well, so far in my practice and load work ups, I have been lucky to get all 10 shots on paper at 50, much less in the little critter's eye.

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tlkeizer posted this 25 April 2019


Well, bunny #3, a WHOPPING 34.  I shot this with the .45 CVA Kentucky, patched round ball, off-hand, and I think the Kentucky Windage won, even though it was a calm day.  Sure am glad the ears stand up.  I need to invest in a lot of practice holding the rifle so I don't sway in the breeze like a reed in a hurricane.  I have decided my next venture will be sitting with the ML, a lot of getting up and down and "stuff" that goes with swabbing bore between shots, loading, etc., etc., etc.  These were with a round ball.  I tried a maxi-ball on another target, but that is another story.  The best I can say is the new knife a friend gave me cut the patches really clean.  It was a nice day, got up to the low 40's while shooting.  The rumor is that Spring really is on the way, attested to by neighbor finally seeing some robins in her yard.



P.S. Bohica793, my maxi balls would not stay on a sheet of typing paper at 25 yards, hope you get 10 shots to stay on paper at 50.  The same can be said for my cast .30 caliber without gas checks, the best place to be for those is behind the bunny, even at 25 yards.  I managed 8 of 10 on the practice target, but at least the other two stayed on a very large box.

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harleyrock posted this 25 April 2019

I have shot only 2 targets so far, both 54 points.  I am going to have to get a whole lot better or I won't stand a chance to win that new rifle Grand prize, or even the custom moulds consolation prize.laughing

I am using ski poles as cross sticks.  I don't get much use of them otherwise down here in Florida (or up here in Florida for you guys in Oz or NZ).

Lifetime NRA since 1956, NRA Benefactor, USN Member, CBA Member

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JeffinNZ posted this 25 April 2019

Today's effort.  SMLE with Lee PB bullet over 6gr Unique, 50m/55y, prone with sling.

Cheers from New Zealand

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 26 April 2019

hey jeff ... at longer distances ... do you hold over or under ?? ...  


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JeffinNZ posted this 26 April 2019

It's a nightmare Ken.  Bullets spin in a different direction down here too. 

Cheers from New Zealand

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Fitzpatrick posted this 28 April 2019

killed a bunny today

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Fitzpatrick posted this 28 April 2019

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Fitzpatrick posted this 28 April 2019

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 28 April 2019

hey, stop raising the bar you hare-hunters.    i am LAGomorphING behind ....



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barra posted this 29 April 2019

It’s O.k. Ken.

I think they will let you shoot the rabbit 20x and just take away the higher scoring shots.

Just to make it easier for you.


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Scearcy posted this 29 April 2019

It is great to see all of the interest and entertainment. Current target count looks like we will have 90 or more targets back eventually. Very Nice!

I mailed the last targets this morning. So everyone who sent me a check should have your targets very soon.

Since we are only 1 month from the due date I expect that we are done mailing targets.

Good shooting everyone. I love seeing pictures of the neat rifles.



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GWarden posted this 29 April 2019

Rabbits grow pretty big in this part of Iowa. This is one of the "bunny guns" , Rem 700long range 30-06


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Fitzpatrick posted this 29 April 2019

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Fitzpatrick posted this 29 April 2019

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Scearcy posted this 30 April 2019


It is great to see your post.  I have the exact same rifle. Last 50 yard match I loaded Trail Boss and it was ok. This time I am going to pretend it is barra's 310 Cadet and use 2-3 gr of Bullseye. Keep shooting and we will convert some others to this great little cast bullet cartridge.


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Carl Pegg posted this 05 May 2019

1st target shot today. .32 s&w long NEF handi rifle. 100 grain flat point that I made from a 6 cavity Lee blank mold. Bullets are coated with Hi-Tek powder. Gun has a green mountain 4 groove .312" barrel fitted into a mono block, and a 2.5x20 simmons shotgun scope. Range conditions were sunny, 60 degrees F with a steady 10 mph crosswind with 2 cups of coffee on an empty stomach, just to make it fair for the rabbit! Or something like that. 



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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 05 May 2019

cfp4570 ....   i can't help thinking what i would have given to have that rig when i was about 12 years old ....  wonder if i am too old to adopt a 12 year old kid so i could build one "" for him "" ...


those green mountain barrels certainly seem to do pretty good for a lot of projects...

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beltfed posted this 05 May 2019

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beltfed posted this 05 May 2019

Here, finally is the first two bunny 10 shot entries , both on one

bunny.  Head shots with 19+1 lead/tin alloy,  Heart/lung with 9+1 COWW/Lino

from my  BRG BPCR/ rebarrelled with Lilja 8 twist 30 cal barrel, chamber 32-40 Rem Hep

N.F. scope at 20X.  Sit/Stix.

My main gun in Schuetzen.  Load Data is printed on the target: Same both groups, except Alloy:

Fire formed, neck turned R-P cases/WLR primer/ 15.5 gr IMR 4227/ 311299 w/o Gas check, sized 0.308"

Seated over wad of foam fan fold house wrap 


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beltfed posted this 05 May 2019

Will also mail target and data sheet to Ken.


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jeff houck posted this 05 May 2019

I've shot 5 targets, but how do I post them here?

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barra posted this 05 May 2019

Cfp4570  Nice ! Can you shoot that bullet without the paint and just tumble lubed? 

Beltfed  cool  Jees mate nice! May I ask how heavy is it after carting up hill and dale for the afternoon?

I may have to up grade my ideas on a small game rifle if I can hire someone to be my caddy.

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Brodie posted this 06 May 2019

The only way you guys could make it "fair" to the bunny would be to close you eyes.  That's some good shooting.


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beltfed posted this 06 May 2019


My 32-40 Rem Hep is almost 15# with that monster of a scope.


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beltfed posted this 06 May 2019

I shot the 32-40 RH because the load is with a plain based bullet

that is supposed to be shot in this bunny match



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barra posted this 06 May 2019

Jeff houck

I’m only new here but...to post a pic I press the picture button in the tool bar. “ above this at the top"

pick the my computer. Find pic and upload.

If it about 1 mg or less and saved as .jpeg it will usually work.

 I take a pic and crop out the background edges then resize it.

works for me.

Beltfed I want one of them things too.

 Maybe several other guns as well.

One of those big golf buggies with large pneumatic wheels and a caddy for a leasurely stroll around the warrens.

"Sir I believe the hummingbird is sighted in for this distance and would do well from this angle"

"Thank-you fraquarshon But I think I’ll try the old Wesley Richards in 25 Jeffery instead."  

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jeff houck posted this 06 May 2019

Thanks Barra.

Here is my first target shot with my favorite walking around rifle. A JM Ballard that stated out life as a 44 RF/CF. It's now sleeved to 38spl.





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Carl Pegg posted this 06 May 2019

I'm having a really bad case of single shot rifle envy! You fellas have some gorgeous rifles. Barra, yes those smooth bullets shoot fine tumble lubed and leave a shiny clean bore. Ken, I've had good luck with green mountain barrels. I converted a #4 rolling block from 32 rimfire to 22 long rifle, and it's a nice little shooter now. Beltfed, very nice shooting!

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Redleged posted this 07 May 2019

Hi All!

Another gorgeous day in Memphis, so I got out to shoot Targets 3 & 4. I shot target #3 with an 1884 Springfield Trapdoor with Buffington sights. I had Bobby Hoyt reline this rifle barrel, and the Old Warrior shoots very well. Sights were a skosh to the left, but I guarantee that Br'er Rabbit would not have walked away with any of those hits. Target #4 was shot with a scoped Magnum Research BFR in .45-70, same exact loads as in TD. Even sitting with sticks, that thing would not settle down! In any event, It's always great to see what and how well others shoot, in addition to being just plain old fun. Thanks again to Jim & Ken for the kicks! Ed



Growing old is mandatory, growing up, however, is totally optional!

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Redleged posted this 07 May 2019

Hi all. I shot my last two targets today before our weather turns. I must say I'm in full agreement with Jim that the bunny at 50 yds is much harder than the groundhog, but it was still great fun to participate. Again, thanks to Jim and Ken for the effort to put this all together. Now, let's see what's next! Ed

Growing old is mandatory, growing up, however, is totally optional!

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mashburn posted this 08 May 2019

Bad news about my bunny targets.

Somehow my bunnies got out of the envelope and out of the house  last night. I was awakened early this morning by irate neighbors who claimed they were eating their gardens.  The only thing that I could think of, on the spur of the moment, is they belonged to some fellow from New Zealand who had moved in down the road. After dealing with the County Mounties and the Tribal Police I borrowed a pair of beagles from my neighbor and chased all of them into a hollow tree and they are now in their envelope cage again. I got scratched up pretty good pulling them out of the tree but my shooting eye and my trigger finger are still in pretty good shape. You people please be careful with these things.


David a. Cogburn

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JeffinNZ posted this 08 May 2019

Don't get me started on rabbits.  My daughter has a pair, Happy and Hopper or Briggs & Stratton as I call them.  Cute wee dudes but I have had a time keeping them out of my vege plot.  Used 'bunny cam' to collect evidence.  Those boys are lucky they are on the protected list.

Cheers from New Zealand

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Fitzpatrick posted this 08 May 2019

shot my last bunny today, thought i would bring out the wildcat AR-15 known as the 358 Yeti ,put a picture of a 223 case next to the yeti case for size comparison , It shoots a 200 gr FN cast bullet at 1975 fps. sure does a number on  on deer and hogs

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 09 May 2019

that is pretty kool ... an interesting (not so ) little black rifle ...


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mashburn posted this 10 May 2019

Hello Fitzpatrick,

What is the parent case for this round? I like wildcats and I may have to come up with one like this.


David a. Cogburn

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Fitzpatrick posted this 10 May 2019

Mr Mashburn

its a 308 cut down to 1.675 in. then necked up to 35 cal. or .358  runs in the AR -15 platform with a barrel, mag and bolt swap 

it is carried by Mad Dog Weapon Systems if you want to google it ,name is 358 Yeti.


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longhunter posted this 14 May 2019

Well I got out today to shoot my Bunny targets(2).

I have an older Winchester low wall in 25-20 single shot.  It has an external adjustable scope in 4X(Ranger) not sure who made them I think it is a 30's vintage scope..  Not much of a scope..  

I am recovering from Hip replacement surgery. It went pretty well.  I shot off of cross sticks and a stool and a boat cushion.  I tried a couple for the 10 ring.... not so good.  then to the 9 ring and did well for my last 8 shots.

My second bunny was to be shot with a Savage 219 in 30-30.  Both loads are plain base bullets.  I used the original sights on the Savage.  The ball on the front sight pretty much covered the rabbit.  Rear was the buck horn style.

Still did pretty well.  The best part was it was warm and dry and a perfect day to shoot.  After the weeks of wait for the healing on the hip today was a great shot of medicine.

Thanks Jim for another fun shoot.


Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.

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4060may posted this 14 May 2019

Finally shot some targets

41 Swiss Vetterli and a Finn model 28

not as good as I wanted , seeing the target even at 50yds is difficult

41 Swiss, 18grs of SR4759, Lyman 439186, and RCBS 43 Mauser

Finn 7.62x54R, 12grs of W571, 311041Plain Base

Both with issue sights

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 14 May 2019

only 50 yards, i thought ....   piece of cake, i thought ... remembering all those great rabbit shots i made as a kid, this will be almost a guilt trip , i thought.

four targets ... 40 shots down now, i am starting to remember those fantastic shots were maybe more like 50 feet than 50 yards ...


humbled by a damn rabbit ....


i got more ammo ...

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Fitzpatrick posted this 14 May 2019

I thought the same thing ,great minds must think alike

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4060may posted this 17 May 2019

Shot my last two using a scope, proving if you can see them ............

Ruger No.1 32-40, 12.8grs 300MP, WLRM, NOE323323

H&R Handi .357Rem Max, 8grs Bluedot, WSP, Saeco 200grPB

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 17 May 2019

4060may ... ha that last target with the 357max no doubt has a story ... hey, a friend has an hr in 357max also .. heavy barrel 20? inch.  a real fun gun to shoot.   making me think i need a 357max also.  


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4060may posted this 18 May 2019

that was a .357 mag, replacement barrel from H&R when they did that, the chamber was long enough for .360 Dan Wesson, but i got in a hurry and didn't wait for brass available from Starline, used a .380 dia. chucking reamer and made the chamber as .357max, has worked well so far...

the shot in the nose was me slipping and the gun going off, I am officially an old guy, so it is allowed


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barra posted this 18 May 2019

Well I might polish up my eye balls an have another go if it ever stops raiming and blowing.

At least the temp has dropped to a nice 25-27 deg C. Being winter now I suppose.

Looks like the bar has been raised to a whole new level to me.

I figure I will have to just shoot out the eye ball on the rabbit now to have a chance at redeeming myself

I might have ago at sitting on low stool and trying some form of that  stick shooting malarkey that seems popular over there.


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Carl Pegg posted this 24 May 2019

Finally shot the rest of my targets last weekend between the rain and wind gusts. I had a small limb (more of a big stick really) fall out of a tree and land right at my feet to add to the excitement. Got a lot of good exercise walking back and forth changing targets while watching for copperheads and timber rattlers. This was such a fun shoot and many thanks to Jim and Ken for putting this on!!! All targets were shot sitting with my back against a tree and using cross sticks.

This one was shot with the trusty handi rifle/shotgun with the unfinished 45 colt barrel. Found out it doesn't much like the Lyman 454424 and shooting another target after embarrassing myself on the bunny target confirmed this. Hey, don't laugh too hard at the gun, it's a winter project, and dang it, it warmed up. 

Next, Remington 700 .223 "old ugly" as I call it. One of these days that abomination of a stock has to go. 

Shot the next one in the heart/lung area with a Savage 99 .300 Savage Lee 314-90 over 5 grains of bullseye.

Head shots were with t/c contender .357 max. Another homemade mould 158 flat point over 11.0 of 2400. The oblong holes were caused by wind blowing the target into a bow shape. I had it held between two uprights without a backer. The old model 99 beat all my other targets! 

Remington 700 .30-06. My first centerfire rifle given to me by my dad when I turned 14. He always said that was the caliber to have if you wanted one rifle that could do it all. I don't think he was too far off. 

Last one. T/c seneca .36 caliber. Patched round ball over 35 grains of Goex FFFg

All targets and tech sheets are en route to Ken. 


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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 24 May 2019

cfp4570 ... thanks for the great post ....  sitting here in the middle of yet another nasty storm, it is a perk-me-up to see your targets and shootin' irons ... thanks, i surely have one more gun that needs some exercise  ... heck, got a whole week left ...


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Scearcy posted this 24 May 2019


I owe you an explanation. I have been AWOL the past two months. A week ago I lost my wife of 50 years to leukemia. Lynn would want me to rejoin you guys as she knew how much pleasure these "shoots" give me. I'll be ready for the next event.


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longhunter posted this 24 May 2019


I'm so sorry to here of your loss.  You are in my Prayers.

And yes Please join us in our fun matches.

What are you going to come up with next?


Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.

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JeffinNZ posted this 25 May 2019

My humble efforts at 50m/55y. 

SMLE, prone with sling.  Plain base Lee 120gr RN, ACWW, LLA, 6gr Unique, Rem primer, 1050fps.

Cheers from New Zealand

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 25 May 2019

hey jeff ... you forgot the " 7 " ring around the neck.  ken


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JeffinNZ posted this 25 May 2019

In the post to you on Monday Ken so you can even out my conservative scoring.

Cheers from New Zealand

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Bohica793 posted this 27 May 2019

Neither worth writing home about.  40 with the revolver and 60 with the lever.  Trail Boss 5.5 w/ 454190 clone.

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tlkeizer posted this 30 May 2019


Nice day up here in Alaska yesterday, early morning temps in low 40's, almost sunny, 2-3 mph breeze, one bunny left to perforate.  I used my totally original Springfield Model 1884 Trapdoor in 45-70.   I did succumb to post backrest and shooting stick, but the shooting stick was too short for me so I had to use a box to raise it.  That was interesting as the cardboard box did not want to hold steady, so wound up holding the box between my feet to keep it from turning over with the shooting stick on it.  My 1884 shoots a foot or so high at 50 yards, so had to use a bit of Kentucky Windage; for my 1873 I replaced the front sight with a much taller one.  The load was 55 grains Goex FFG, Lee 405 grain HB bullet, range scrap with tin and antimony, CCI 250 primer, SPG lube, and ran a spit patch through the bore with the ramrod after every shot.  I was happy with the results, had a double hole, and shot the eye out of the bunny.  Although, I did adjust my aim point down after the first 3 shots which were the ones in the head and neck.

After the bunny I shot a set of 4 different loads off the bench, and they all were in the same 3 inch group.  It did not make a difference if the load was 55 grains or 70 grains of BP, or if the bullet was 405 grains or 500 grains, they all were in the same circle.  That was a bit of a surprise for me, but tells me I do not have to have different aim points for different loads when out hunting.


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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 30 May 2019

tlkeizer:  nice target and great story .... i liked the mental image of your rest collapsing just as you pull the trigger, all while aiming a foot low, and anticipating at least a friendly jab from recoil of a 45-70 .....  

when i wuz a kid, i used to read all about those amazing cross-canyon shots in the sporting magazines and decided there must be something wrong with my own shooting abilities since i only made about half of my field shots with my little m43 in 218 bee and a spiffy lyman peep ... 

probably led to my present-day attitude of * question everything * .... and probably even why mr. scearcy and i thought it would be interesting to try to simulate real field conditions on the " almost-live " animal targets ....

i shoot the 50 yard targets in my back yard, and with 9 inches of rain lately my feet keep sinking into the grass while i am trying to aim ...  wouldn't be so bad if both feet sank at the same rate ...

thanks everyone for joining in on this spring bunny shoot; ... my wife and i have looked forward to receiving your reports and often targets ...  i feel slightly guilty for getting to share your shooting fun without having to buy all those primers ...


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Fitzpatrick posted this 31 May 2019


We thank you and all involved for putting this bunny shoot on and already anticipating the next shoot

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mashburn posted this 31 May 2019

Hello Scearcy,

Sorry that I missed the bunny shoot. I suffer from chronic pain due to years of chronic lyme disease and sometimes I just get past going. I'm doing better now and hope to be loading and shooting again before long.


David a. Cogburn

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 31 May 2019

Mashburn .. no biggie ... hopefully you got some fun out of following along, and any planning you got done will just set you up for some future fun shoot ! .  heck , i might even go out and shoot an honorary bunny for you ... i wonder if i have some castings for my 30 carbine ... 


edit:  yeah, i hate those damm ticks ...


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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 01 June 2019

Mashburn ... ok, got ya covered .... you are now on the near-professional ( yet oh-so humble ) .... Ken/Dave Rabbit-Search-and-Destroy Team.

current weapon of choice ::  Ruger3, 45-70, load 12.8 gr Unique, Projectile is a Lee Old Army 230 plain base pistol bullet ...     optics are non-asymmetrical silicone based lenses assembled by Universal ...  focal length ratio of 9 to 1 ....

first test shot was low, trying to acquire the target ... or, it could be that i jerked that 4 pound factory trigger ...

final combined score was 52 .... and a seriously impeded brer rabbit ...  evidence photo attached ...

thanks for participating  .....  ken


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barra posted this 02 June 2019

One last go.

310 again this time trying harder.


Shooting blInd still. Score 67 I think. 

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barra posted this 02 June 2019


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barra posted this 02 June 2019




Thnx for letting me join in the shoot.

 I had fun and enjoy it.

Not as easy as it first appears that’s for sure.


Wish I had the 310 cadet when I was a kid and the knowledge I have now to feed it. 

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