Finally shot the rest of my targets last weekend between the rain and wind gusts. I had a small limb (more of a big stick really) fall out of a tree and land right at my feet to add to the excitement. Got a lot of good exercise walking back and forth changing targets while watching for copperheads and timber rattlers. This was such a fun shoot and many thanks to Jim and Ken for putting this on!!! All targets were shot sitting with my back against a tree and using cross sticks.
This one was shot with the trusty handi rifle/shotgun with the unfinished 45 colt barrel. Found out it doesn't much like the Lyman 454424 and shooting another target after embarrassing myself on the bunny target confirmed this. Hey, don't laugh too hard at the gun, it's a winter project, and dang it, it warmed up.

Next, Remington 700 .223 "old ugly" as I call it. One of these days that abomination of a stock has to go.

Shot the next one in the heart/lung area with a Savage 99 .300 Savage Lee 314-90 over 5 grains of bullseye.
Head shots were with t/c contender .357 max. Another homemade mould 158 flat point over 11.0 of 2400. The oblong holes were caused by wind blowing the target into a bow shape. I had it held between two uprights without a backer. The old model 99 beat all my other targets!

Remington 700 .30-06. My first centerfire rifle given to me by my dad when I turned 14. He always said that was the caliber to have if you wanted one rifle that could do it all. I don't think he was too far off.

Last one. T/c seneca .36 caliber. Patched round ball over 35 grains of Goex FFFg

All targets and tech sheets are en route to Ken.