posted this
25 September 2009
WWell WWell WWell. I finally found some WWheel Wweights! After many calls I decided to just leave, go to the city and stop by every little hole-in-the-wall tire shop untill I scored. That is the only way I have ever gotten any WW alloy. After a couple of rejections a man said that he had some!! I paid $0.40 per pound for dirty WW. Not bad at all. I am pleased. I picked up 255LBs today and approximate that there is another 150LBs waiting for me. Now if I can find som Lino I'll be ready to try some high quality 314299's. If not I might break down and try to find a used stove and thermometer for consistant heat treating; though as an idea it seems like it is an invitation to inconsistancy in hardness. At least I have some alloy that will work no matter what. Thanks for the encouragement. I hope someone else who is looking will read this and “Keep lookin' ”
I know what it feels like to not have alloy and wonder if you will be able to get it. I hope those that are in areas that have already banned WW don't have to pay too much extra for alloy. All our turns are coming.