I am relatively new to the CBA. This controversy is a joke I must say. One member says it's metallurgically incorrect and one says it's good enough to get “most” casters close enough to get by. So since Comet cleanser is not perfect, sometimes completely destroying a surface (when advertised to be safe), I think the product should be pulled from the manufacturers product line and banned from the US and abroad.....becuase it's not perfect and mathematically sound for every purpose. Well my soiled stainless pots I use to make popcorn will suffer due to one persons personal accuracy issues. Similarly, if ones accuracy when shooting is so bad, that barn doors no longer fear firearms, that person should loose the opportunity to shoot at said barn doors in great delight, whether they hit or miss by great deviations.
My pastor is a wise man. I have been told that I am a perfectionist, so be it. He has imparted to me much wisdom on the matter of perfectionism and the problems it causes and their solutions. My perfectionism has pushed me to say and do some things that were patently unGodly and not unifying. Pride! Yep I have some in my field of expertise and I councel the highest orders of business people here in Los Angeles.PRIDE has caused me to fall outside of business on occasion.
This scripture sums up this debate, I believe.
In life if one will not be actively “part” of the answer, than one should NOT be speaking at all. For when one speaks and will not ACTIVELY assist in the journey to the FINAL answer, then this happens. James 3:16, ” For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.” King James Version
This thread I have been following has some envy, lots of strife and the outcome is non-productive.
Merely complaining about the problem and spouting off about how far off it is, that's not ACTIVELY assisting anyone, just pissing and moaning and I believe is a product of maybe some envy and jealously and a large dose of pride. Pride comes before a fall as I recall.
Forgive me if the member with the degree who has complained has already published an update the the form and is complaining that his “correct” version has not replaced the one that leaves something to be desired. I have not yet found that download or link yet and maybe someone can redirect me to it. Then I shall flame myself on this forum and offer apologies to all that I have offended.
I think the thing that caused me to become part of the CBA was not that I shoot, cast bullets, am a penny pincher, blah, blah, blah. It's the unity of enthusiasts globally that create a unified sourcepool of information, subjective and scientific. That unity is what makes the CBA great, the members even greater and the power of the corporate entity so much more. Sometimes subjective overrules scientific. You find that one clearly spelled out in asprin vs. Tylenol. Belly ache or alzheimers liver failure. You folks can now argue over that one in another thread.
In closing...
So if the stupid calcs are wrong in the spreadsheet, then put a clause in the download note and say ” some crap about how it's not warranted to work properly or be accurate, use at your own risk” and stop being a one man US Federal Gov't telling me I can't ride a motorcycle without a helmet cause you say it's not GOOD and it's dangerous. I am an adult, said so in my CBA app-. I can use the spreadsheet, wrong as it may be, if I want to cause I am in America still, were still mostly free and my God gave me free will to do so. Until you “whomever” you may be who has deemed the sheet incorrect ante up and learn to code some software, clam up and let the downloads begin.
Jeff, please repost the spreadsheet in it's operating form and let me decide whether or not to trust it.
Remember, I didn't graduate from MIT with a metallurgy degree, I am obviously a stupid, God fearing electrical/communications contractor who builds vacuum tube audio amps cause they mathematically are inferior to all more modern solid state devices that are more mathematically (per the Audio Industry and basic math) correct but sound like total feces WHO never got to use the broken sheet and would like to do so to better my life, wrong or right!
That was my final closing.
I really hate it when for my own good, people act on behalf of me without my permission or request. I like to screw up and make math errors and make bullets that have alloys that don't make sense. It hasn't stopped my from producing sub .100 groups, yes I said tenth inch 100M groups. I like when LAYpeople get involved and hook me the village idiot up with a spreadsheet that will indeed steer me in the wrong direction and completely screw my shooting into a mudhole. To all oppressors my deepest thanks. document.write('/images/emoticons/bowsmilie.gif');images/emoticons/bowsmilie.gif
I am very sorry that I did not go to school and learn how to alloy right, or I would write a spreadsheet that is correct and fix this dilemma, ACTIVELY. Forgive me for my poor education, it is failing us all miserably!