Got a complimentary copy of The Black Powder Cartridge News when I ordered some SPG lube. When I got to "22BPCR Silhouette Match Results", I was stumped. So my question: What exactly is a 22BPCR? If it is what it sounds like, a 22 caliber black powder cartridge, I seems to me it would be quite a challenge. While on the subject, what size are the targets and what are the distances.
- Last Post 01 February 2024
This will start you out!
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One part of this the rules didn't talk to much about are the rifles. CPA single shots Winchester High walls . I shoot a Ballard in
45-70 with a 22 liner. Sharps with liners. Remington Rolling Blocks. all shooting modern 22lr ammo.
Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.
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Buffalo arms carries adapters from Lee Shaver and Dave Crossno . They have 40 to 22 in stock now. I have had both. One has a 45-70 case adapted to mount on the liner. Cases need to be fished out with a bent hook or something like it. The other has a cartridge that can be extracted and cases removed. I like the fixed on better. I don’t think they would be too hard to make.
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Thanks, but I don't own any SSs of the calibers they are made for.
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My single shots are 40-50 Sharps Straight, and 50/70 government.
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Well dammit now I have yet another toy to lust after - a .22 liner for my .40-65 Ballard.
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I’m pretty sure you could turn the chamber insert from a 40-65 to fit.
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Well, I have brass stock, a 22 chamber reamer and a lathe. And I think there is a 22 barrel under the bench?
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Call me and I will explain how the liners are made.
608 797 0056
Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.
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Maybe a flip up tang sight on my Remington 22 automatic rifle. Aren't 22 rimfires wind sensitive?
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The .22 barrel liners are awesome. they shoot great. We have matches with them at our club. We shoot gongs and with the liners we shoot out to 400 yards. Need a good spotting scope to see the 400 yard hits.
Take a look at this link.
As I recall they are available in 40 /65 and 45/70.
John Frank Thompson
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