• Last Post 30 November 2007
CB posted this 15 November 2007

A guy on cast boolits asked about moving sights and asked for a chart. He got a lot of arithmetic and jokes about arithmetic and a couple of mnemonic aids, that I always forget.

I made a 1 page chart, it's in .doc and .xls-needs some cleanup and correction.   That came out well. I'll attach the files.



joe b.

  Joe The forum will not take copy and paste of doc or xls files...








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CB posted this 30 November 2007

Ken Campbell, Iowa wrote: Hi Joe... hey that is just the most funnest thing !!

However ( oh shucks here it comes ...  ) ... the answer needs to be formatted to 4 decimal places, and the fourth place needs to be rounded to nearest.

This is not as anal as it seems, because a lot of shooters are using 36X scopes, and with a good micrometer adjustment, are trying for 1/10 or 1/8 inch impact movement at the target.  and on the existing answer readout, this will not register.

the cell can be formatted ( under the format tool ) to the 4th decimal ... and I think you type RND into the formula although I am too twitilated this morning to remember ...

Hey, if you keep up the good work, someday someone may even thank you.

what the Heck, I will do that right now ...


regards, ken campbell, up too late and thinking about breakfast ... I first thought I understood what you wrote, now know that I don't.

This all has to do with iron sights, not scopes. is the best any irons can do, when we start to ask the questions about repeatability, linearity, approach direction etc.

I'm stickin with resolution to the nearest thousandth, another digit introduces mythical notions about precision.


joe b. 

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CB posted this 30 November 2007

Dan Willems wrote: Joe Brennan wrote: Here it is. Corrections? Comments?

joe b. You asked. Lines 1 thru 6 work for me.

By the time I measure between sights, calculate distance needed to move from measurements taken between point of aim and impact, I could a just beat my rear sight left or right since I don't have a way to measure and move the rear sight exactly .021".  One click left or one click right works great with the stuff I shoot.   I guess you made this for the shooters who have $1,000 micrometer rear sites? But looks good Joe. 

I made this because Ken asked, and it seems useful.

In the book there are wonderfully clear instructions on how to adjust click adjustable rear sights, adjustable front sights, non-click sights and vernier sights. And this gives the adjuster another way into the mystery.

The LR guys seem to like the sight adjustment parts of the book.

joe b.

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 30 November 2007

Hi Joe... hey that is just the most funnest thing !!

However ( oh shucks here it comes ...  ) ... the answer needs to be formatted to 4 decimal places, and the fourth place needs to be rounded to nearest.

This is not as anal as it seems, because a lot of shooters are using 36X scopes, and with a good micrometer adjustment, are trying for 1/10 or 1/8 inch impact movement at the target.  and on the existing answer readout, this will not register.

the cell can be formatted ( under the format tool ) to the 4th decimal ... and I think you type RND into the formula although I am too twitilated this morning to remember ...

Hey, if you keep up the good work, someday someone may even thank you.

what the Heck, I will do that right now ...


regards, ken campbell, up too late and thinking about breakfast ...

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CB posted this 30 November 2007

Joe Brennan wrote: Here it is. Corrections? Comments?

joe b. You asked. Lines 1 thru 6 work for me.

By the time I measure between sights, calculate distance needed to move from measurements taken between point of aim and impact, I could a just beat my rear sight left or right since I don't have a way to measure and move the rear sight exactly .021".  One click left or one click right works great with the stuff I shoot.   I guess you made this for the shooters who have $1,000 micrometer rear sites? But looks good Joe. 

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CB posted this 30 November 2007

Another try

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CB posted this 30 November 2007

Here it is. Corrections? Comments?

joe b.

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CB posted this 27 November 2007

Ken Campbell, Iowa wrote: Joe Brennan wrote: Where are the mistakes? What isn't clear? Are the commenters and precisioneers all asleep?

joe b. Hi Joe, yah, you need at least one  ” universal do-it-yourself ” formula cell so a guy can type in however many inches his sights are center to center, and the next cell over reads out in how far he has to move his sights to get 1 inch movement in impact at 100 yards.

I think the formula would be ( cell a is customer input , cell b is amount to move ) title A    ” distance center to center of sights or adjustable scope mounts ) title B   ” move this far to change impact 1 inch at 100 yards “ formula for B::      number in A divided by 3600 ” format 4 decimal places.

Then just to be a nice guy, add in another 2 cells, C is yards other than 100 yards, and D is amount to move to get 1 inch at ” C ” yards.

Just in case you were enjoying your Noon Coffee with nothing else to do ... (g)

regards, ken campbell, deltawerkes


The guy who wanted this wanted a sheet of paper to take to the range.

I can make a spreadsheet calculator, and will.

I need a drawer who can draw a rifle and the path of sight to the target to illustrate what's happening when we adjust sights. Any artists out there?


joe b. 

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 26 November 2007

Joe Brennan wrote: Where are the mistakes? What isn't clear? Are the commenters and precisioneers all asleep?

joe b. Hi Joe, yah, you need at least one  ” universal do-it-yourself ” formula cell so a guy can type in however many inches his sights are center to center, and the next cell over reads out in how far he has to move his sights to get 1 inch movement in impact at 100 yards.

I think the formula would be ( cell a is customer input , cell b is amount to move ) title A    ” distance center to center of sights or adjustable scope mounts ) title B   ” move this far to change impact 1 inch at 100 yards “ formula for B::      number in A divided by 3600 ” format 4 decimal places.

Then just to be a nice guy, add in another 2 cells, C is yards other than 100 yards, and D is amount to move to get 1 inch at ” C ” yards.

Just in case you were enjoying your Noon Coffee with nothing else to do ... (g)

regards, ken campbell, deltawerkes

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CB posted this 25 November 2007

Look I only convert the chart, I don't pretend to know if it has a mistake.. If I spent all of my time worrying if the chart was accurate, I wouldn't get any bullets cast!

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CB posted this 25 November 2007

Where are the mistakes? What isn't clear? Are the commenters and precisioneers all asleep?

joe b.

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Idaho Sharpshooter posted this 18 November 2007

my gosh, what a neat thing to post!!

My Shiloh Sharps all thank you, and so do I.

Rich 38-90 shooter

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CB posted this 15 November 2007

Here is what Joes chart looks like.

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CB posted this 15 November 2007

Here's the .xls file

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