PID Temperature controler?

  • Last Post 27 November 2016
curator posted this 26 November 2016

OK, I have been using a “Freezone” PID for the past 9 months and have grown to really appreciate this level of temperature control. My BPCR bullets are  plus or minus .5 grains! What's not to like? Then without so much as a “by your leave” the power switch goes all floppy on me. It won;t turn on! DRAT!!! Of course, I go immediately to the JConn Inv website and the “contact us” link has been disabled. A google search showed his other products but no way to contact him about his “life warantee.” A great product but poor customer service.   I am considering purchasing another PID device. Does anyone on this site know of a supplier? Old-time “Uncle Rick” seems to have gone off into never-mind as well. I'm retired myself, and I can understand not wanting to be bothered by a bunch of palaver, but surely someone offers a PID and wants the business. Any help? I suspect I can “jump-wire” my current controller, but I'd rather not burn my shop down if I can avoid it.

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Brodie posted this 27 November 2016

Well, you could just replace the switch. There are still electronics repair places around and some of the members here are pretty savy in that field. A single switch has to be a lot cheaper than the whole PID unit.


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vmwilson posted this 27 November 2016

curator wrote: OK, I have been using a “Freezone” PID for the past 9 months and have grown to really appreciate this level of temperature control. My BPCR bullets are  plus or minus .5 grains! What's not to like? Then without so much as a “by your leave” the power switch goes all floppy on me. It won;t turn on! DRAT!!! Of course, I go immediately to the JConn Inv website and the “contact us” link has been disabled. A google search showed his other products but no way to contact him about his “life warantee.” A great product but poor customer service.   I am considering purchasing another PID device. Does anyone on this site know of a supplier? Old-time “Uncle Rick” seems to have gone off into never-mind as well. I'm retired myself, and I can understand not wanting to be bothered by a bunch of palaver, but surely someone offers a PID and wants the business. Any help? I suspect I can “jump-wire” my current controller, but I'd rather not burn my shop down if I can avoid it. It was Frozone that probably built your unit and Uncle Russ used to do them as well.  Be that as it may any electrician could replace your defective switch easily.

I don't know if the following links are still active but a couple guys on “boolits” make them and seems like maybe OBIII is another.>> info&cPath=8&products_id= 161 http://castboolits.gunloads.comdisplay.php7185-ButterNutZ>http://castboolits.gunloads.comdisplay.php7185-ButterNutZ>


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