00000 Buck

  • Last Post 21 December 2016
6pt-sika posted this 11 August 2016

just recieved a Lee double cavity .395” round ball mild , 00000 Buck should roughly be .400” so this is close enough for government work . I'll bring some alloy to the shop Friday and see if I can't cast 60-100 of these . Straight WW's water quenched 👍🏻

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6pt-sika posted this 12 August 2016

Well I just finished making some 00000 Buck or .395” round balls . They actually mic .398” but we'll see what we've got after I roll them to smooth out the sprue flat .http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/IMG_2883_zpsvvhn3fmj.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/IMG_2884_zpsvt0lkfhm.jpg.html>

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TheMrNotSoFamous posted this 13 August 2016

Those are some big ol' pellets. They should give maximum penetration on whatever you shoot with them. Got any ideas on how your gonna load them? I don't know much about shotshell reloading but I assume it'll be by weight, correct? How many can you stuff in a 12ga. 2 3/4” load? In a 3” load? Is there any published load data for such loads? I'm gonna follow your efforts here to see how well they work out for you. Good luck and Happy Shootin'!

Owning a firearm doesn't make you armed anymore than owning a guitar makes you a musician...words of Jeff Cooper

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6pt-sika posted this 13 August 2016

I doubt I ever load these in a 12 gauge . I load 0 Buck now for my old 12 gauge guns . This stuff will be tried in the 10 gauge like I did with the 0000 Buck . With the 0000 I was able to get it into the REM SP-10 wad and make it work well enough . I suspect these pellets may be large enough that I'll be better off cutting the petals off the SP-10 wad and use a Mylar wrap . 

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6pt-sika posted this 14 August 2016

Loaded some 0000 and 00000 Buck this afternoon . Loaded the 0000 6 in the SP-10 wad and also 8 with the petals removed and a mylar wrap . For the 00000 Buck I loaded 4 of them in the SP-10 wad and 6 with petals removed and a mylar wrap . All were fired at 25 yards off hand . 30 grains SR7625 , 4.3cc's Grex buffer . I only fired them in my circa 1884 Parker top lever hammer 10 gauge . http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/FullSizeRender_zpsugbcmtoc.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/00000%204%20right_zps82el6zh5.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/00000%204%20left_zpszrf5f8oy.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/00000%206%20right_zpsv0nt9lio.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/00000%206%20left_zpsflkhcxtc.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/0000%206%20right_zpssksgmrj0.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/0000%206%20left_zpswpvdnftc.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/0000%208%20right_zpsfjqma1vt.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/0000%208%20left_zpsmajqu7n2.jpg.html>

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6pt-sika posted this 15 August 2016

Just finished trying 0000 Buck and 00000 Buck with the petlas removed from the SP-10 wad and a .003” mylar wrap in my circa 1889 Parker EH #2 frame 30 10 gauge and my circa 1899 Parker EH #3 frame 32” 10 gauge both at 25 yards and offhand . The results were as positive as those in my Parker 1884 #3 frame 10 gauge hammer gun ! http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/IMG_2962_zpsfnkmcney.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/EH2%2000000R_zpss9xeovs5.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/EH2%2000000L_zpskouzwtj2.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/EH3%2000000R_zpsoa3wbp8t.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/EH3%2000000L_zpsprfn7vyl.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/EH2%200000R_zpsxpg33cae.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/EH2%200000L_zpskhpungie.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/EH3%200000R_zps4vjsvope.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/EH3%200000L_zpsozhjzswf.jpg.html>

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6pt-sika posted this 16 August 2016

Loaded enough of the 0000 and 00000 Buck to try my circa 1890 LC SMith Quality 2 30” 10 gauge at 25 and 40 yards . Again only loaded SP-10 wads with the petals removed and a .003” Mylar wrap . http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/IMG_2990_zpsna7oqh9m.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/00000R%2025_zps3wkfwfax.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/00000L%2025_zpse3wbltxu.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/0000R%2025_zpson1acbck.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/0000L%2025_zpslg1dkdzd.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/00000R%2040_zpskgkvncmx.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/00000L%2040_zpstqu6yvgi.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/0000R%2040_zps0pten4hi.jpg.html>http://s50.photobucket.com/user/6pt-sika/media/00000%20Buck%20395/0000L%2040_zps5x2qbu1q.jpg.html>

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6pt-sika posted this 22 August 2016

Well back at the casting thing again ! I want to try and cast 600 more of the 00000/.395” and 800 of the 0000/.380” this week to add to what I already have . What I wanna cast this week will give me enough to load 100 rounds of each for the 10 gauge . And no I do not plan on loading that number when I'm done , but if they're on hand I don't need to worry with doing it later  :wink: 

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6pt-sika posted this 22 August 2016

Wow I just finished casting and rolling 600+ of the 00000/.395” balls . Took me awhile ! 

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6pt-sika posted this 23 August 2016

Well I'm waiting on my pot to melt whats in it and then start casting 0000/.380” balls . I “want” to get 800 of them IE enough for 100 shells . And that should last me for a good long time .

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6pt-sika posted this 26 August 2016

I rolled all of the 600+ 0000 Buck pellets today one at a time . And I'm going to take the 00000 Buck pellets I cast and semi rolled Tuesday back into the shop tomorrow and reroll them all one at a time . Not really sure if rolling them trying to knock the edges off the sprue cut does any good or not . But in my mind I think it does . I know I was told several times the old muzzle loader guys would roll their round balls between two pieces of glass to try and round them some where the sprue cut was . So at the very least rounding them up a bit shouldn't make them any worse LOL's !

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6pt-sika posted this 19 December 2016

Did in a not overly large doe with the 00000 Buck at about ten yards using my 1899 Parker EH with the 32” barrels . Also first deer I ever plunked with that gun .

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6pt-sika posted this 19 December 2016

Hopefully this season or certainly next season I'll plunk one with the 0000 Buck . Most likely in this same shotgun or my 1889 Parker EH with the 30” barrels .

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Coyote1 posted this 20 December 2016

I have not loaded buckshot but have flown in helicopter and shot feral hogs with 4Buck  12ga. Fed. 23/4in. with 27 pellets in them.Rolled them in their tracks as well as coyotes. Some did a base stealing slide for about 4 feet due to their speed.

I know I also used S&B 0000 buck in both 23/4 and 3in but cannot remember number of pellets but think 16-18 in 23/4.

So that load should with right wad, take out almost anything you want to be that close to.

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6pt-sika posted this 21 December 2016

I have not loaded buckshot but have flown in helicopter and shot feral hogs with 4Buck  12ga. Fed. 23/4in. with 27 pellets in them.Rolled them in their tracks as well as coyotes. Some did a base stealing slide for about 4 feet due to their speed.

I know I also used S&B 0000 buck in both 23/4 and 3in but cannot remember number of pellets but think 16-18 in 23/4.

So that load should with right wad, take out almost anything you want to be that close to.

16-18 0000 Buck in a 2 3/4” 12 gauge it a good bit over optimistic . Without the petals on the shotcop in a 10 gauge 2 7/8” I only get 8 . You must remember these guys are .380” roundballs .

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6pt-sika posted this 21 December 2016

Factory loads for 12 gauge 2 3/4” 00 Buck generally only have nine pellets and 00 is a .340” roundball .

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