just recieved a Lee double cavity .395” round ball mild , 00000 Buck should roughly be .400” so this is close enough for government work . I'll bring some alloy to the shop Friday and see if I can't cast 60-100 of these . Straight WW's water quenched ðŸ‘ÂðŸÂ»
00000 Buck
- Last Post 21 December 2016
Well I just finished making some 00000 Buck or .395” round balls . They actually mic .398” but we'll see what we've got after I roll them to smooth out the sprue flat .
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Those are some big ol' pellets. They should give maximum penetration on whatever you shoot with them. Got any ideas on how your gonna load them? I don't know much about shotshell reloading but I assume it'll be by weight, correct? How many can you stuff in a 12ga. 2 3/4” load? In a 3” load? Is there any published load data for such loads? I'm gonna follow your efforts here to see how well they work out for you. Good luck and Happy Shootin'!
Owning a firearm doesn't make you armed anymore than owning a guitar makes you a musician...words of Jeff Cooper
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I doubt I ever load these in a 12 gauge . I load 0 Buck now for my old 12 gauge guns . This stuff will be tried in the 10 gauge like I did with the 0000 Buck . With the 0000 I was able to get it into the REM SP-10 wad and make it work well enough . I suspect these pellets may be large enough that I'll be better off cutting the petals off the SP-10 wad and use a Mylar wrap .
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Loaded some 0000 and 00000 Buck this afternoon . Loaded the 0000 6 in the SP-10 wad and also 8 with the petals removed and a mylar wrap . For the 00000 Buck I loaded 4 of them in the SP-10 wad and 6 with petals removed and a mylar wrap . All were fired at 25 yards off hand . 30 grains SR7625 , 4.3cc's Grex buffer .
I only fired them in my circa 1884 Parker top lever hammer 10 gauge .
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Just finished trying 0000 Buck and 00000 Buck with the petlas removed from the SP-10 wad and a .003” mylar wrap in my circa 1889 Parker EH #2 frame 30 10 gauge and my circa 1899 Parker EH #3 frame 32” 10 gauge both at 25 yards and offhand . The results were as positive as those in my Parker 1884 #3 frame 10 gauge hammer gun !
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Loaded enough of the 0000 and 00000 Buck to try my circa 1890 LC SMith Quality 2 30” 10 gauge at 25 and 40 yards . Again only loaded SP-10 wads with the petals removed and a .003” Mylar wrap .
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Well back at the casting thing again ! I want to try and cast 600 more of the 00000/.395” and 800 of the 0000/.380” this week to add to what I already have . What I wanna cast this week will give me enough to load 100 rounds of each for the 10 gauge . And no I do not plan on loading that number when I'm done , but if they're on hand I don't need to worry with doing it later :wink:
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Wow I just finished casting and rolling 600+ of the 00000/.395” balls . Took me awhile !
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Well I'm waiting on my pot to melt whats in it and then start casting 0000/.380” balls . I “want” to get 800 of them IE enough for 100 shells . And that should last me for a good long time .
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I rolled all of the 600+ 0000 Buck pellets today one at a time . And I'm going to take the 00000 Buck pellets I cast and semi rolled Tuesday back into the shop tomorrow and reroll them all one at a time . Not really sure if rolling them trying to knock the edges off the sprue cut does any good or not . But in my mind I think it does . I know I was told several times the old muzzle loader guys would roll their round balls between two pieces of glass to try and round them some where the sprue cut was . So at the very least rounding them up a bit shouldn't make them any worse LOL's !
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Did in a not overly large doe with the 00000 Buck at about ten yards using my 1899 Parker EH with the 32” barrels . Also first deer I ever plunked with that gun .
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Hopefully this season or certainly next season I'll plunk one with the 0000 Buck . Most likely in this same shotgun or my 1889 Parker EH with the 30” barrels .
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I have not loaded buckshot but have flown in helicopter and shot feral hogs with 4Buck 12ga. Fed. 23/4in. with 27 pellets in them.Rolled them in their tracks as well as coyotes. Some did a base stealing slide for about 4 feet due to their speed.
I know I also used S&B 0000 buck in both 23/4 and 3in but cannot remember number of pellets but think 16-18 in 23/4.
So that load should with right wad, take out almost anything you want to be that close to.
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16-18 0000 Buck in a 2 3/4” 12 gauge it a good bit over optimistic . Without the petals on the shotcop in a 10 gauge 2 7/8” I only get 8 . You must remember these guys are .380” roundballs .I have not loaded buckshot but have flown in helicopter and shot feral hogs with 4Buck 12ga. Fed. 23/4in. with 27 pellets in them.Rolled them in their tracks as well as coyotes. Some did a base stealing slide for about 4 feet due to their speed.
I know I also used S&B 0000 buck in both 23/4 and 3in but cannot remember number of pellets but think 16-18 in 23/4.
So that load should with right wad, take out almost anything you want to be that close to.
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Factory loads for 12 gauge 2 3/4” 00 Buck generally only have nine pellets and 00 is a .340” roundball .
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