Have yet another question. Just trying to learn as much as possible about this cast bullet association. I find the rules regarding cast bullets and gas checks, but nothing pertaining to lube(or lack thereof) and paper patching. So is paper patching allowed in matches? What about the “new” lube of powder coating?
Match Rules needed
- Last Post 30 January 2016
Your lube choice is optional, you just have to report it on your data sheet. You are more than welcome to try paper patching and powder coating. When you join and start receiving The Fouling Shot, you can look at what people are using in actual matches, rather than the keyboard. HTH, Ric
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Would I not be using the keyboard to look at the fouling shot? Thought it was an email publication, with the option of hard copy?
Thanks for your answer. I figured if it was not ok, then there would be something said about it. But I did not see, or missed them, where people listed those two things as being used - at least as far as national matches are concerned.
I'm not so much interested in what others are using as much as I want to just make sure I wouldn't be breaking any rules.
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In the CBA's “Nature and Purpose” on the back of every Fouling Shot are our four objectives. The first one is “Stimulating and encouraging experiments in casting and hand loading cast bullets that will improve the design, accuracy, and effectiveness of the ammunition and increase the satisfaction and enjoyment of shooters.” We try to follow that and encourage experimentation for both competitors and shooters who just want to learn new things.
So for our classes that allow custom built guns pretty much anything goes with a few exceptions. Of course if somebody shows up with a “cast bullet” with a gas check reaching to the tip of the bullet--.
On the other hand we have two classes for production rifles to encourage new or old shooters to enjoy the game at minimum cost. We have all kinds of restrictions to avoid turning these two classes into an equipment race and making them more expensive.
If there other questions about our competitive programs this is a good place to ask them.
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Thanks John
I've been reading through all the stuff on the CBA website. I believe I've seen that quote before. One thing that is the biggest draw to cast bullets is just that. I'm not much of a gun tinker person. Maybe as time goes on I will be, but for now just messing with the different aspects of cartridges is great for me.
If I compete it would only be in hunter or production class. I just wanted to make sure my tinkering with cast bullets would not disqualify me from the get go. I didn't know if paper or powder would be considered a “jacket” and therefore would not be allowed. I do not see them as having a superb advantage per say, just a different way of coating other than lube.
I know it wouldn't matter for just the meet and shoot type matches, but the thought of actually competing has me intrigued.
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newt ... heh ric's mention of keyboard groups was a humorous reference to all of our tendencies to pick out our lifetime's best ever single accidental great group and report that as an everyday happening ... shooting with our keyboard, not an actual target ...
in my 60 years of casting ... i have noticed that if i take a factory mold off the shelf and pour some bullets from something that melts and load them up in my deer rifles ... i will get groups of 2 to 4 moa ....so when we see keyboarders reporting mostly all groups a lot smaller ... we like to see the actual targets ... and better yet come to a match and do it in front of witnesses ...
it is not so much to belittle our fellow wishful-thinkers ... as to actually determine how to improve our cast shooting ... and lo and behold !! there are actually several shooters who really can ...often ... break that 2 moa barrier ... and at a match in front of everybody !! my heros !!!
most of my life i have been one of those guys who says ” patience hell let's go kill something ” ... that apparently has taken a toll, as now i mostly feel that way only after my nap and with a fresh mug of hot chocolate .... but still am highly motivated to find out how to make my plinker rifles do a little better ...
the point is there is room for all types of competitors at any ” contest ” ...
i used to want to beat somebody ...
now i just want to beat myself ... mostly to do better than i did last time i got serious ... and the matches ... even the postal matches ... even just reading the match results ... give me a yardstick to see how my ideas compare to what is in real life even possible .
i enjoy reading that even at the bigger matches there are a lot of 2 to 4 moa groups on record in the military and deer rifle classes ....
fwiw, in my competition events ( racing toy cars ) we would have about a hundred entries ... 12 of whom needed to beat somebody ....i finally noticed that 88 people were actually having more fun and didn't seem to care who i beat ... took a while but i finally became one of those who appreciated the happening and just tried myself to do better than the previous meeting .
so:: pick a motive and participate ... whether shoulder to shoulder .... postals... or just following through the results pages and trying the latest schemes at home ...
gotta beat that dang 2 moa barrier ...
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Ah, I understand. No worries, I'm not easily offended and always try to think the best of someone/something rather than the worst. But at the same time I was brought up to not be taken as a fool.
I agree. I compete against myself also. I've gone through a lot of the match results and realize it would take years to get to the level of some results I have seen. I have never shot in a competition before, for anything. I've been content with shooting at leisure in my backyard. Probably halfway because of the seriousness I see in some competitions. But I can tell that this organization looks to be pretty laid back. :)
I've only been casting seriously for the last 3 years or so. It's not been till this last year I have decided to try and “shrink” my groups. Up till then it's all just been about getting hunting and plinking accuracy.
I'm also the guy who likes to go against the grain sorta. Try new things. I've never been concerned or desired to be apart of any organization/club. But, the one thing I've found that drives me harder to do better is to compete against others, whatever it is. It's not so much to beat them, as it is just a mental tool for me. Hard to explain, but I am willing to bet it's understood.
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Newt, the comment ” try new things” is what it is all about. I have a rifle that shoots well, but I keep trying different loads, and my wife frowns at me and asks ” why try something different” and I say, because I may be able to improve. do not be afraid to come to some of our CB matches, we all started some where and most of the people will be glad to help u.
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Gentlemen my question may not sound like I read the rules but actually I have. Just probably to the point I have confused myself, sorry happens quite often sometimes. In all the differant classes (rifles now) which class (s) does not require standing position in the course of fire? and the rulebook probably says I just either looked over it or just did not make the connection.
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None of the rifle classes require offhand. There is a specific postal for offhand. I believe there is also an offhand match at the Nationals each year. We shoot a separate offhand event at each match in Oakdale. I think this is mostly because the Match Director likes to and he is the boss. Any rifle in Oakdale. I can't speak to the rest.
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Also can be an optional offhand at the military matches.
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