I have long been loading the .32 S&W Long and the .32 H&R Magnum for field and target. I have mostly used 100 gr. Keith SWC home cast bullets from a Group Buy Lee six cavity mold. Recently, I have ordered a Mihec 98 gr. double ended wadcutter mold and expect it to be shipped soon. I have minimal data for a solid based wadcutter. Maybe Ed Harris can chime in here with information for a “full charge wadcutter” for the .32 S&W Long. That would be WELL received in THIS household, I can assure you! I have several platforms I will be using these loads in. My most used .32 is the S&W Model 16-4 (6” barrel with Red Dot Sight), a Ruger SP101 (.32 H&R Magnum with 4” barrel and Red Dot sight), an S&W Model 631 with 4” barrel (chambered for the .32 H&R Mag), and finally, an S&W Model 30 snub nose chambered in the .32 S&W Long. I have cases in plenty for both S&W long and H&R Mag, so that is not an issue. As a matter of interest, I have long used the .32 S&W Long cases with the 100 gr cast Keith ahead of 2.8 grs. of HP.38/Win231 for general use in my H&R chambered handguns. I have used the .32's with excellent results in the edible small game category and have nothing but high regard for that use. Years ago, not long after the .32 H&R Magnum caliber was released, I had both a Lee 90 gr. SWC TL bullet mold and also a 90 Gr. .32 wadcutter TL mold. That mold was loaned out and never came back. I have a good Lee six cavity for the TL SWC through the auspices of my good friend “The Green Frog” and am presently using it with Ben's LL with good results. I also have ordered a five cavity NOE mold for the RCBS 98 gr. SWC and expect that to be shipped, shortly, too. It's going to be an interesting next few months casting, developing loads and using these great little .32's. The Green Frog and I will be working closely together on this project in the coming months. Anyone else that would be interested please don't hesitate to chime in. At any rate, I would appreciate anyone with reliable reloading information on the full wadcutters that would be interested in sharing with me, to do so. FWIWDale53
Loading the .32 S&W Long and .32 H&R magnum for field and target
- Last Post 07 March 2016
Years ago I used to have a Colt Officer's Model Target revolver with 6” barrel chambered for the .32 Colt New Police. These guns were all part of a run built in 1940. Ellia Lea, Don Tag, Bill Bender and I all had them and some of the test results we had back then were published in American Rifleman. At the time I was more interested in an accurate load for NRA Hunter's Pistol SIlhouette which would take down the ram at 100 meters, than an indoor bullseye target load. I determined that the 14” twist barrel of the Colt was accurate with flatnosed cast bullets up to 155 grains and that at velocities approximating standard .38 Special velocities with similar weight bullets, took the rams down handily. I was using nominal case-fulls of #2400, 4227, 4198, and RL7, with cartridges loaded to about 1.40 OAL. I tested the various factory ammo then available mostly to get baseline accuracy data and fired brass for later experimentation. European factory HBWC loads from Sako, Norma, Lapua, RWS and Fiocchi would all shoot inch 6-shot groups off a Ransom Rest at 25 yards, and 12-shot groups would stay under 1-1/2". PMC came on the scene later and wasn't as good as the best Euro stuff, but still shot much better than Remington or Winchester 98-grain LRN, which did no better than 2” at 25 yards if you had a good batch.
The Lapua bulk bullets when hand loaded would do as well and approximate the factory loads at 720 fps with 1.6-1.8 grains of Bullseye or 2 grains of 231 or 7625. The bullets were very soft and skirts thin, so that accuracy deteriorated rapidly above about 800 fps.
Alberts HBWC bullets had a heavier skirt and shot fairly well, about 2 inches at 25 yards, up to 2 grains of Bullseye or 2.5 grains of 231 or 7625, or 2.8 grs. of PB or Unique. Speer and Hornady bullets would to this well is velocities were limited to about 700-720 fps. They seemed to do best with the lightest loads which would function the Walther GSP pistol, about 1.2-1.5 grains of Norma R1, which was the fastest powder then available.
I only briefly tried cast solid-based wadcutters from an old H&G mold, and one of the very early RCBS versions, but never got either to shoot better than 2” with any load. If memory serves the sweet spot was in the range of 1.7 to 2.0 grains of Bullseye with bullets cast very soft, 1 part linotype to 4 parts plumber's lead. A nice mix by the way!.
The Saeco #325 and Ideal #3118 bullets shot very well from the beginning with charges from 2.0 to 2.5 grains of Bullseye and I never looked back. When the Colt revolver became too valuable to shoot I sold it for top dollar and used the proceeds to have built a K-frame .32 with 16” twist Obermeyer barrel and ball crane lock like a PPC revolver which had shrunk in the washing machine. I still have it and shoots as well as the Colt did, and better than my Ruger Single Six, which I later sold.
Most of my .32 S&W Long accuracy shooting these days is at 50 yards firing a relined English rook rifle with 6x Unertl scope, 16-inch twist and chamber patterned like the .38 AMU. It runs 1-1/2” at 50 yards with regularity using the Accurate series of flat-nosed bullets I had cut to fit its AMU throat. Another .32 S&W Long rifle I had John Taylor build on an H&R .410 shotgun frame has a 10” twist .30 cal. barrel and does its best work with the Accurate 31-155D bullet and 5.5 to 6.3 grs. of Alliant #2400 with the bullet seated out so that the front end is engraved similarly to chambering Eley Tenex in your favorite .22 match rifle. Ballistics are similar to standard pressure .38 Special loads in a barrel of the same length.
The rifle-type bullets are more accurate at my favorite 100-yard gong plinking distance, so I seldom use .32 wadcutters anymore, except for my remaining stash of factory stuff, when I need a “sanity check” if I'm not doing my best.
73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
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Thanks for the information, Ed, that's kind of what I was looking for. It will be interesting to see what develops in the coming months after I take delivery of the new molds and start developing new loads.
Long live the .32's! Dale53
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Dale, I don't use any of Ed's bullets, but have used the Ideal 313445 and 313492 in the 32 Long. Both only seated to the crimp groove and only the case mouth turned in flat. Loaded with 2.4 grains of SR 7625 (no longer made) they were a universal load for the Longs shooting about 2” at 25 yards with my old eyes and original sights. In the 32 H&R cases the best for me has been 4.0 grains of WW231. A friend sent me several hundred of the Lee 100 grain SWC's from the group buy. They seem to be about the same accuracy as the 98 grain RCBS ones. Since they will not fit a 32/20 S&W cylinder (too long) I never got involved with them since. Say Hello to the frog person for me! Ric
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I have the RCBS 98 gr WC data from 1986 for 231, red dot and Unique.
The RCBS 98 WC was my first mold for the 32 Long, many thousands down the barrel of my Mod 31 over the years.
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I have the RCBS 98 gr WC data from 1986 for 231, red dot and Unique.
The RCBS 98 WC was my first mold for the 32 Long, many thousands down the barrel of my Mod 31 over the years.
--------J j35nut;I would be most grateful if you could send me that data by attachment to: rmcgee733 at gmail dot com Dale53
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From the RCBS Cast Bullet Manual #1; .32 S&W Long, 98 gr WC, Unique 2.5 gr =815 fps. Red Dot 2 gr. =778 fps., 231 2.1 gr. =725 fps. All from a S&W Model 31 with a 4” barrel. My Ruger SSM .32 Mag. likes the NOE version of the Lyman 311008. It's not picky about powder. But choices are limited by the little case.
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Thanks tturner53
Dale you can subtract two tenths of a grain from the loads tturner53 posted for the
published starting loads.
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Thanks good people, that gives me somewhere to start.
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I have cast about 40 lbs of the new NOE clone of the RCBS 98 gr. SWC (the NOE weighs 103 grs. in my alloy). I'll be loading them up shortly.
I'll have to use the indoor range for preliminary tests as it is too dern cold out for me (down to 20 degrees tonight). I was out of town during the record breaking warm temps in SW Ohio this December...
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Dale, Your bullets look great. I tried the hollow point pins first in my new mould, and they dropped ~98 grs. Looking forward to your range report. It is somewhat warmer here, but haven't had a chance to go to the range yet. Harold
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Here are the results of my first range test:
I'm expecting to have my Mihec wadcutter mold delivered this week some time. However, it has only been a week since my notification and I may be overly optimistic about delivery time between Slovenia and Ohio, but HEY! I am really lookin' forward to receiving this mold, too.
I have several hundred of the NOE SWC's loaded. It's looking to be an interesting year...
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Good work!
Do I detect a faint, pleasant odor of an upcoming Fouling Shot article when the project “matures?"
73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
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Ed; That is spooky! I have been thinking that EXACTLY.
Stay tuned! Thanks for the encouragement.
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Looking forward to it!
73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
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Here is a couple of pictures of the bullets from my new Mihec 100 gr wadcutter mold (six cavity aluminum):
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I would like to see how these do in a strong, modern revolver with “nominal compressed case full” of Alliant #2400, about 6 grains in .32 S&W Long, to approximate the Buffalo Bore loads. This should not exceed standard pressure, but we should be a bit cautious in absence of presssure barrel. I am shooting 5.6 of #2400 with Accurate 31-087T in. 32 ACP with good results and haven't cracked any frames yet!
73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
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I had a short window of opportunity to get to the range today. It was in the mid forties with variable 10 mph winds. It is going to rain, rain/snow, and get MUCH colder in the next few days. It may be a month or two before these conditions come back.
I was ready to go, so headed for the range.
My load was the Mihec 100 gr. Wadcutter ahead of 2.5 grs. of HP-38 (velocity just above 800 fps). The bullets were WW's+2% tin and sized with my Star .313” and lubed with Carnauba Red. The better groups were a consistent 3/4” (about as good as I can hold) using my TC Contender with SSK .312” barrel. This was typical and measured 3/4” at 25 yards off a rest:
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Very nice results which would be fully expected for a T/C Contender or break-open single shot rifle with iron sights. I have found that inch five-shot groups at 25 or 2 inches at 50 yards are reality. Maybe 3 inches at 100 with light >5 lb. rifle with hunting scope not to exceed 4X.
73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
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Thank you, Ed! Actually, I suspect that the gun and load combination might do a bit better. The main problem is that I can't hold any better than that:X. That's just a two power scope (it was set up for Hunter Silhouette) and I prefer no more than two power for offhand use.
At any rate, I am very happy with both my new molds.
Hard at work on the new article for the Fouling Shot (assuming they are interested;)).
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All you need to know for assurance is to look at the hit counter for the various Bunny Gun threads on this forum and you will have the answer!
Absolutely, another view on the .32 from somebody other than me is always welcome. New wrinkles and independent validation of previous ground covered is great for the passing parade!
73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
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