removing liquid alox

  • Last Post 05 August 2015
kennyz posted this 03 August 2015

I was wondering if anyone has tried removing lee liquid alox from thier boolits.I just ordered sizing dies and read here that the tackiness can adhere to the sizers and i really dont want that so i ordered the 45-45-10 mix and would like to try that instead,any suggestions

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Brodie posted this 03 August 2015

Kennyz; A couple of things come to mind: 1. Boil bullets in a coffee can of water, let cool and skim or pour LLA off. 2. Soak bullets in mineral spirits or toluene and remove solute and dry. 3. Heat bullets in cooking oil. No flame please. No. 2 is the least ecologically acceptable idea. Brodie


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kennyz posted this 03 August 2015

would soaking them in paint thinner and then pouring off the mixture work.maybe a couple hour soak. 

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delmarskid1 posted this 04 August 2015

Paint thinner will probably work. It may take longer than an hour. Boiling with a good degreaser might work better than plain water. The stuff comes off pretty easy really.

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onondaga posted this 04 August 2015>kennyz

Mineral Spirits is the same solvent used in the 45:45:10 formula and It will dissolve that lube also with a few minutes of agitation in a jar or a mineral spirits dampened brush through the die.

The most common blatant error with 45:45:10 is using 5 to 10 times too much of it.  When you tumble and then pour your bullets to dry the lube, if the lube puddles around the bullets, you have used 5 times too much lube. That lube is a SURFACE lube and only needs to just wet the bullets on application. If you drown them you will have a mess that gets into your dies. Correct application is the best solution. You are way off it puddles around the bullets at all.


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TRKakaCatWhisperer posted this 04 August 2015

An alternative to taking it off is to add mica - tumble them in it. Then you have two lubes on them and they don't stick.

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onondaga posted this 04 August 2015>TRK

The 45:45:10 the OP is asking about doesn't even get close to being tacky when dry  unless you ignore the instructions and make  drowned bullet soup with it.

Drowned bullet soup and Mica is an even more special kind of a mess that is totally avoidable by FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS for tumble lube use.>kennyz

Here is one of my old posts about how to use 45:45:10 correctly:> Reading the whole thing with comments should give you a tumble lube PhD.


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kennyz posted this 04 August 2015

that was a very informative read,do you ever encounter out of rounf boolits from lee or any other moulds

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onondaga posted this 05 August 2015

I have many Lee molds, None drop undersize and none drop over .001” out of round for me. I am very satisfied with Lee, Lyman and RCBS molds, I have never needed to return one.


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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 05 August 2015

in the cba _ fouling shot _ ... #164-3 ... james saltsman reports melting lube in boiling water, then skimming off the floating lube ... a nice kink is that he then poured the hot water through a screenwire to further salvage more lube .

we casters are not * cheep * , we are just efficient ...


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