Oval vs. Square lube grooves

  • Last Post 08 July 2015
OU812 posted this 07 July 2015

I have two 30 caliber Accurate bullet moulds. One with square lube grooves and one with oval lube grooves. The oval grooves seem far easier to fill resulting in less rejects after inspection. So you may want to use oval lube grooves on your next custom bullet.

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OU812 posted this 08 July 2015

358156hp wrote: Are you talking about filling out with lead, or filling up with lube? While casting with lead.

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358156hp posted this 07 July 2015

Are you talking about filling out with lead, or filling up with lube?

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Longone posted this 07 July 2015

I'll bet there is a good reason for the two but what I have noticed is the rounded groove's seem to be on larger dia. bullets while the square grooves are on the smaller dia. My 7mm mold (RCBS) is square while my Miha #68 copy and the Lyman 452460 are both round.


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