I just purchased some white lube no instructions,How do I use this magic liquid? I should mention the product is white label lube.
White bullet lube
- Last Post 07 June 2015
If you have purchased Xlox or Deluxe 45:45:10 from White Label, these are tumble lube products used like Lee Liquid Alox. Xlox is identical to Lee LLA and the Lee instructions work well for Xlox. The Delux 45:45:10 is a new improved version made with 45% LLA, 45% Johnson's Paste Wax and 10% Mineral Spirits. The Deluxe product will dry clear and non tacky when applied properly.
There are many posts on this forum about how to use tumble lube products with cast bullets.
Here is a link to one of my posts and comments on 45:45:10 use:
If you get your cast bullets sized correctly for your firearms, 45:45:10 is the only cast bullet lube you will ever need. I use it .223 to .458 WM and 500 S&W and everything in between with no velocity limitation and have tested .223 to 2550 fps with zero lube failure. I tumble lube once for plain base bullets that aren't sized and twice for other bullets that are rifle bullets or are sized/checked . They are lubed once before size/check and once after.
The most common mistake with new users of tumble lube products is using 5 times as much as needed for the job. some people actually never listen about this and wind up hating tumble lube altogether. If your bullets drain and pool lube when you place them on wax paper to dry you have used 5 times too much lube and have made an unnecessary wasteful mess.
More is not better with tumble lube, less is better. Dummies write 500 times and still don't get that or even why. Actually, if you ar not happy with 45:45:10 it is because your bullets are the wrong size and you put it on wrong. There is a lot of misinformation all over the internet about tumble lubes from people that don't know what they are doing. I am an expert with this stuff and get it to work perfectly. If you have questions, just ask.
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45:45:10 is old news. Now there is Ben's Liquid Lube (BLL). It's simply 60% liquid alox/xlox, whatever, and 40% Johnsons “One Step” floor wax. It is reported to dry (cure) quicker and harder than the original “Recluse” formula, which still works fine if you're already happy with it. Here's a link to the developmental notes and testing.
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I have read the post in the Cast Boolits forum about Bens Liquid Lube, I would try it if I did not have a quart of 45,45,10 Recluse which will probably last me for many years unless I start shooting action pistol again. It sounds like good stuff though, and I like the part about not having to “cook” it. Brodie
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Sorry Gary, I wasn't trying to upstage you, although it kind of looked that way. I was just trying to share the latest improvement in tumble lubing. Another group is using a similar mixture with One Step and JPW. He also reports excellent results.
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I think that it is beneficial for all in this hobby to be informed of potentially better methods of lubricating our cast bullets. Some are very impressed with the powder coating, others prefer High Tech coating, now we have various alternatives with Liquid Alox. What is not to like? Duane
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The Liquid Johnson's in Ben's Lube artistically replaces the solvents and deluents in JPW+mineral spirits in the Recluse formula. I am familiar with the chemistry..They are both ending in the same place with Alox and Carnuba on the bullets and Ben's formula offers easier methods for mixing at home. Hurrah, I have quarts of the commercially made White's Deluxe 45:45:10, so I am good for life on tumble lube.
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I have a gallon can of Alox 606-55 which is a lifetime supply, because I dilute it 50-50 with mineral spirits.
73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
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I too I am a great fan of Xlox lube , and use it diluted with paint solvents that in Italy are labelled as “syntetic enamel diluent” or ” nitro paint fogless diluent “.
I use the traditional lubrisizer only when I just cannot wait the couple of days it takes to dry the tumble lubed bullets in the cold season . The warm summer sun dries the thing in a few hours.
I do not want to contaminate the kitchen oven with lead and chemicals .
I prefer the multi shallow lube grooved bullets , mostly for a placebo effect , traditional deeper grooves shoot with the same a ccuracy .
Bullet fit to the gun & load is the name of the game .
Most of my shooting is plinking or hunting from offhand ,standing at 60 yards or less . Steel Challenge or cowboy action shooting demand only modest accuracy.
The Lee sizing dies are great , and the time spared in the loading room is best used cast bullet shooting .
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I've been using Rooster Jacket lube in mild handgun loads. Do the alox tumble lubes stand up to higher velocities better?
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Well, it is me , but I don't see the brand of lubrication on cast bullets limiting velocity. Bullet fit and bore condition will effect the performance of bullet lube and cause bullet lube to fail when bullets are too small in diameter or bore finish scrubs off lube. When bullet fit and bore finish are excellent , the bullet lube brand becomes very unimportant. I think Ear wax will work fine when the bullet fits and the bore is good.
I use Lee Liquid Alox and also use 45:45:10 tumble lube with high velocity and have no lube failure at all. A particularly good example I hope you can relate to is my .500 S&W Magnum load with a 250 gr cast bullet sized .502” for a sliding into the throat fit, 35.2 grains WC820, BPI filler to the rim before seating the bullet and a chronograph verified velocity of 1885 fps. This load is fired in my Handi-rifle and consistently groups less than 1” at 50 yards. Velocity does not scare the lube off my bullet that fits well and my bore is nicely polished with no roughness anywhere to scrub bullet lube off either. It is the excellent bullet fit to the throat and the bore condition that are the major factor in success, not the velocity.
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