Just found this mold. I prefer these early single piece designs. Mold marked as indicated. My cast, sized to .313" and lubed comes in at 145grains. I'll be trying this for use in the .30 Herrett Contender. May have to reduce the size.
Ideal 308241 Vintage Mold
- Last Post 24 April 2015
The blocks and handle are in the white, not blued.
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I like that. It's a nice find. I like seeing no vent lines.
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I also cast with a similar vintage 358311. I was able to find 3 of them so I cast with them all warmed, and when one gets too hot, go to another. Three units seems to work out better than 2 for continuous casting. These older single piece don't seem to get much attention. Wish there was a current manufacture that made them in this configuration/style. Bruce
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If it helps, the 150 gr 308241 was only cataloged from 1906 to around 1926. Since yours has a setscrew for the sprue pin, and is marked on the mould blocks and not on the sprue plate, this all meshes neatly together. I'm still learning how to date moulds, but it's not an exact science, so I'll probably always be learning to date Ideal moulds. It's not like there's a mould ap for a smartphone for them. That would make gun shows much easier to cruise.
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Thanks for age info. It seemed odd it was in the white (not finished). All of the other ones I have similar in design are blued or strawed finish. Usually strawed sprue plates. Bruce
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Here is the final product. 15 gr. of 2400 for the Herrett. Soon as I get well enough for shooting this one will be on the top of the list for testing. All the best. Bruce
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