Just sharing some good news. After years of storage I decided to get serious about using my ancient lube/sizer. I thought the piston thing was missing but it was in there, buried under a mess of black goo. Two days of cleaning and it is now a joy to use. It's loaded with 2500 lube and the sizer dies interchange easily with my more modern 450. The 450's die retention nut wore out after many years of service. Lyman sent me a new one for $8 delivered in record time. Good times, now running two good lube/sizers (different lubes-my home made in the 450) AND a wide selection of Lee push thrus to play with. I love this country!
Old Lyman 45 resurrected
- Last Post 20 June 2015
At least you didn't have to go this far with it.
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That was “The Perfessor” from CB several years ago. I believe the project was actually work related, where he had to identify a problem, identify the causes and effects, and solve the problem while validating his processes. He did that, without question. I believe Keith has a high engineering degree. The man is ingenious.
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Wow. I'd love to have a machine shop to play in. My thinking was along those lines, if you score an old Lyman #45 lube/sizer cheap snag it, it may turn out to be a good machine. New ones now are pushing $200! There was a guy selling 3 RCBS lube/sizers for $150 all three at my range. Kicking myself for not jumping on that. I mess around with a wide variety of bullet types.
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I could use at least two more sizers. I play a bit with lube, and it would be very handy to have a couple more.
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I bought my Lyman 45 in 1996 whilst visiting the now defunct “Creekside Gunshop” in NY state. USD25 at the time. Near got whiplash getting my money out. Used it for about 10 years and sold it for A LOT more than that upgrading to a 4500 with heater.
Cheers from New Zealand
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