I have a decision to make after heating the old lube from my 450; what lube to use? The previous lube was an unknown concoction. I will be shooting military .30 matches, mix of range scrap and linotype to straight linotype chrono'd ca. 1500 fps out of my 1917 Winchester with just about 1100 cast rounds through a NOS 1919 barrel. The temps here in the NW will be in the 60s for the next few months. On hand are sticks of RCBS green, Lyman Orange Magic, LBT Blue Soft, and Tamarack (50/50 Alox/Beeswax). Got a clean start, any of these stand above the others?
Need recommendations for .30 low velocity lube
- Last Post 04 March 2015
At 1500 fps almost any lube will work. Those listed on your poll are all OK. Buy whatever you can get the best orice in quantity.
73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
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For my match bullets I have been using Grey #24, no longer made, just because it is in a Cramer L&S that works for all my 30 caliber bullets. Everything else is NRA formula. NRA works for everything except really cold (-32) temperatures. Grey's and the new synthetics work from freezing up to 110 (I don't shoot when it is hotter than that!). I have never used LBT nor know anyone who has used it. FWIW, Ric
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I use Javelina for Military Rifle and Production Rifle. Never could see any difference between that and Tamarack (which I used before I got a good deal on enough Javelina to last the rest of my shooting life). In my experience, they both work fine for both rifle and pistol.
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Use the Tamarack and then get Lar's White Label 50/50 lube. Javelina is no longer available and I don't think Tamarack is either.
Concealment is not cover.........
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I went with the Tamarack. Have a half dozen picked up at a local show, still wrapped and moist. Should last me all year. Thanks....
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Pick one that you can also pan lube with. Lately I have been pan lubing with soft SPG lube. It also works well in Lubesizers.
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