Nice guns passed down

  • Last Post 13 January 2015
gpidaho posted this 12 January 2015

This post is just to share the joy I feel for my good friend Wes. Over the holidays his father, realizing he hadn't pulled a trigger in over 25yrs. decided it was time to pass his guns down to son and grandson. In my mind they are treasures. These old rifles show their years of use and enjoyment up on the Selway and in the desert along the Idaho, Nevada, Utah border.  Southern Idaho is very arid and the bores show no sign of any rust ever. I slugged the bores for Wes and we were very happy to find they each measure .2995x.308 with very crisp lines.  The second reason for the post is to ask if any of you might have an idea of when these rifles may have been manufactured. They are a  Winchester model-70-featherweight 30-06 serial # under 360k and a Marlin Model-36A-30-30------A serial #C157**   If you know a link for this please post.  Thanks   GP

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Longone posted this 12 January 2015


I just did quick search and came across this, give it a try and let us know if it works.

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gpidaho posted this 12 January 2015

Longone:  Thank you for the Winchester link.  The model 70 is from 1955  GP

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Longone posted this 12 January 2015

That was an incredible year.


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Dr. A posted this 12 January 2015

Looks like your Marlin 36 was made in 1945. Have fun. I have a 46!

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gpidaho posted this 13 January 2015

Dr. A and longone: Thanks for the help guys. Wes is proud of these rifles and after checking them over we believe them to be very good examples of working guns and the quality with which they made. We will be working on cast loads together as Wes will be new to hand loading. I would believe these old rifles a very good place to start. As a side my computer skills are getting a bit better but it's good to have a little help from fellow members. Thanks Guys GP

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Longone posted this 13 January 2015


Not only do you have to very fine rifles to start with they are chambered in very good cast bullet calibers. They both have nice long necks to help keep the bullet straight and help with the transition into the throat. Bullet choices are almost endless which will be your biggest decision.


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